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Will's Run 5K & Fun Run

Sun October 4, 2020 Okemos, MI 48864 US Directions


Family and Kid pricing available!

5k Run/Walk & Fun Run

10:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT
Virtual - Run anytime, anywhere between now and October 4th!

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


5151 Marsh Rd
Okemos, MI US 48864


Join us for the 2nd annual Will Run's in memory of Will Goodale.  This 5k run/walk will be held on Sunday, October 4th at Meridian Township park at 10:00 am. This is a family friendly event, all ages and abilities welcome! 

The Will Goodale Memorial Foundation was created in memory of our son Will, who passed away at age 10 on November 2, 2015. Will always wanted to be a police officer and swat-team member for The Meridian Township or Michigan State Police. The purpose of this foundation is to remember and carry-on Will's name & spirit and to help those who share his life-long dreams and goals of pursuing law enforcement. Proceeds from all foundation events, donations, and sponsorships will be invested in full and used to provide scholarships for students entering a police academy. Can't attend the race but would like to support Will's cause? Click here for donations only.

Neck Gaiters guaranteed to the first 100 registrants.

Open/Flexible start line information: The start line will be open from 10am to 11am, there will be no mass start. Participants will be asked to line up along the sidewalk, socially distanced, for a delayed start for each participant. Your time does not start until you cross the start line. This method allows for proper social distancing at the start of the race, along the course and at the finish. We ask that those participants in attendance before 10:00am gather socially distanced around/near the start line for a few words from the race director. Masks are required until it is your time to cross the start line. The start line will open after the remarks and remain open until 11:00 am.

Special family pricing available: Register 3 or more people at the same time and save $5 per participant.

Kids 18 and under run/walk for only $20!

Want to run for FREE?!? See below for details.

Course: Accurate 5k run/walk.

Awards: Overall male and female winner. Medals to top 3 places Male and Female in age groups: 12 & under, 13-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34,35-39, 40-44,45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+. There will not be an award ceremony. Awards will be available starting Monday, October 5th at Playmakers 2299 West Grand River Ave, Okemos, MI 48864.

Neck Gaiter: The first 100 participants signed up guaranteed a neck gaiter. This year instead of a t-shirt we will be doing a neck gaiter. 

Are you a Walker not a Runner? No problem! Come out and walk the 5k. You won't be alone. We will have many people walking the 5k.

If you are unable to join us in-person, we've added a virtual event.  You can run anytime, anywhere on your own all while supporting the Will Goodale Memorial Foundation. Price is $25 and includes a neck gaiter, (first 100 participants). There are no awards for the virtual event.

Packet pick-up and race day registration: Packets will be available for pickup Saturday October 3rd from 2pm to 5pm at Playmakers. A table will be setup outside Playmakers for participants to drive up and receive their packet.  Packets will be available also beginning at 8:30 am the day of the race.  Virtual participants can pick up their packets at Playmakers.  If that is not an option, please contact Shane Goodale at to make arrangements. 

The race will be professionally timed by the Michigan Running Foundation. Results will be posted during the race and online at

For more information contact: Shane Goodale at 517-230-8708 or email: Please visit our Facebook page @rememberwillgoodale for updates on the race and to celebrate the life & memories of Will Goodale!

Run for FREE!

Help support our wonderful cause and we'll give you a FREE entry.  When you donate $75 your entry fee will be free.  When you donate $50 you'll receive $10 off your entry fee, $25 donation receives a $5 discount off entry fee. Register and follow the steps on the donation screen and choose the donation level. The discount will be automatically applied during checkout.

Proceeds from all foundation events, donations, and sponsorships will be invested in full and used to provide scholarships for students entering a police academy.

Thank you for your support!


Course Map


Governor's Council Endorsement & Michigan Fitness Foundation Challenge

This race is endorsed by The Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and part of the Michigan Fitness Foundation Challenge. The challenge encourages Michiganders to engage with events that promote physical activity, health and wellness. You will receive a FIT point for every endorsed event you participate in or volunteer for from January 1st until December 31st. Points earn cool swag and a chance to win various prizes! To sign up and learn more click HERE. There is no cost to this challenge.


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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