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Halfway to St Patrick’s Day 5k (6th Annual)

October 31, 2020 Maple Grove, MN 55369 US Directions


Halfway to St Patrick’s Day 5k (6th Annual)

8:00AM CDT - 9:15AM CDT
Open to ages 5 - 95.

1/2 Way to St Pat's 5k Canceled by City - Registrations Transferable + Bonuses

New Date: October 31, 2020

Thank you for pre-registering for our 6th Annual Half-way to St Patrick’s 5k presented by Charities Challenge 

Because of continuing Covid-19 city permits limitations for events in Maple Grove, your registration for the Half-way to St Patrick’s 5k is being added to our registrations for our Saturday, October 31 event:

12th Annual Halloween Fearless 5K

BONUS: if you ordered a shirt for the now-canceled Half-way to St Patrick’s 5k you will still receive that shirt on October 25 in addition to the event shirt of that day's event.

If you prefer to have your registration transferred to another of our year ‘round events please tell me ASAP so I can manually add your registration to that other event.

Another BONUS: You’re invited to join me and whoever may join us 9 AM Sunday mornings outside the closed Claddagh Irish Pub & Restaurant for our regular open and free small-group Training Times on our Arbor Lake course. Bring a beverage and packaged breakfast snack to enjoy post-run or race walk and continue to encourage one another to keep up our immune-systems-boosting RxExercise – Exercise as Medicine.

So I and others may anticipate seeing you at our Sunday mornings Training Times please RSVP for our “Catch Me At Claddagh” Training Times via our MeetUp page here

Let’s keep up our immune-boosting RxExercise and encouragements of select social engagement with other happy-healthy runners and race walkers. Brilliant!

Call me anytime you may ever have questions about CC events and our open Training Times. I am an American College of Sports Medicine Certified Exercise Physiologist committed to every one of you for your ever-more-knowledgeable health and well-being.

Accept The Challenge!
Be Fit, Be Better, and Be well,
Gary Westlund, CHARITIES CHALLENGE Founder & President
Certified ACSM Health Fitness Specialist & USATF Level II Coach
"Raising RxExercise Action Above Awareness"

Charities Challenge Mission: To Improve Health/Fitness, Reduce Health Risks, and Enhance Disease Management via Goal-oriented RxExercise Training Programs, Engaging Events & Active Community Partnerships...
Because there is NO CURE for all the ills associated with lack of exercise…except RxExercise!

CC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
1516 Sunny Way Ct
Anoka, MN 55303

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Claddagh Irish Pub & Restaurant
7890 Main St N
Maple Grove, MN US 55369


Run or Walk a timed 5k or optional 2k fun walk ‘round Arbor Lake on USATF certified 5k course with family & friends, at 6th Annual Halfway to St Patrick’s Day 5k presented by Charities Challenge. Start/Finish next to Claddagh Irish Pub & Restaurant, in Maple Grove, MN, Saturday, September 19; 8 AM start. Limited entries - Pre-register early! Complete 5k results by USATF divisions; race results submitted to MN Runner of the Year records. All participants will be welcome for indoor check-in and optional post-race complimentary Irish Breakfast, beer, hot and cold light beverages, holiday music, and more Irish hospitality. Cheerful, warm and welcoming CC Race Event Worker (CCREW) volunteers, Motivating Irish Music, optional colorful commemorative shirt, Irish holidays costumes welcome, fabulous online post-event free, fun photos & convenient parking, indoor restrooms.

This 5k event will be conducted simultaneously with the 7th Annual US Constitution Day - We the People 5k Separate scoring results will be kept and published for each event's participants/registrants. Let's share our love of running, walking, all things Americana and Irish, as we share the pathways of this combined special event. Brilliant!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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