902 East Parks Ave
Winona, MN US 55987
Join us for the 15th annual Women In Business Cabin Fever Scholarship Dash! This year we will again offer a 5k event (3.1 miles) along with a 10k event (6.2 miles.) These events are held in support of the Vicki Decker Scholarship Program. The scholarships, awarded in June, help traditional and non-traditional students, men or women, with their financial needs in pursuing further education. All paid 10k and 5k participants that register on or before January 11th will receive a long-sleeved shirt.
Thank you for your support!
Schedule of Events
November 1st - Registration opens
January 11th - Last day to register with shirt guarantee
February 5th - Online registration closes. No shirt guaranteed for registrations done January 12th - February 5th.
Friday, February 7th:
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm Shirt and Bib Pickup at Nate and Ally's Frozen Treats (109 E 3rd St, Winona, MN 55987)
Saturday, February 8th:
7:30 am - Race Day Registration (see race day prices below). Shirt and bib pickup for pre-registered participants.
8:30 am - 10k Race Start
9:00 am - 5k Race Start
Event Details
The course starts/ends on the bike path across from the Winona Family YMCA. It will be an out and back course on the bike path on East Lake Winona, flat and fast.
10k and 5k awards will be given to 1st and 2nd place in each age division and overall winners. Age divisions include: 19 and under, 20-29,30-39,40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+.
All 10k and 5k participants will receive a long-sleeved t-shirt (with paid pre-registration on or before January 11th). Virtual participants will be required to pick up their shirts as no shipping will be available.
Online registration closes Wednesday, February 5th. No shirt is guaranteed for any registrations done from January 12th - Feb 5th.
Prices for race day registrations are $45 for the 5k and $55 for the 10k. Make checks payable to WIB.
Check our Facebook page on race day for any weather-related announcements.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.