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Sat October 12, 2024 Ava, MO 65608 US Directions


Health Drive 3.1 - 5K

8:00AM CDT - 10:00AM CDT


603 West Broadway Ave.
Ava, MO US 65608


Location: Missouri Ozarks Community Health, MOCH Wellness Center 603 West Broadway Ava, MO
Route: Downtown Ava; mostly flat, out and back, fast.
Registration: Mail form and payment to MOCH Wellness Center, P.O. Box 1359, Ava, MO 65608 or drop off
at the MOCH Wellness Center. All methods require completed form and payment.
Cost: $20; $25 on race day.
What you get: a fun, fast, out & back, downtown route; a great feeling of helping others; a quality running shirt;
snacks; a chance to win random prize drawings and more!
Packet Pick Up: Friday, October 11th at MOCH Wellness Center from 12:00-6:00pm; Saturday, October 12th (Race
Day) from 7am-7:45am.
Awards: Awards to the overall male & female finishers, overall male & female masters and top 2 finishers in
each division (12 & under, 13-19, 20-39, 40-59, & 60 & older )
Race Timing: Provided by Ozark Racing Systems
Contact: For more information – Tim Shryack ( or call 417-683-4831.

Race Contact Info

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Mail in Form


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Course MAP


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