Carthage, MO US 64836
This is an event to benefit both Crosslines and 4-H in Carthage, MO who also provides most of the volunteers.
The races starts at the Route-66 Drive-in theater on Old Rt66 in Brooklyn Heights, near Carthage and makes a long loop along quiet, paved suburban country roads, crosses I-49 bridge, past Leggett & Platt HQ, then turns onto beautiful Ruby Jack path, crosses Rt66 again for a final loop to end back at the Drive-In theater.
Route is quiet (except for the I-49 bridge crossing) and course marshals will point you at every turn.
The12K course is USATF-certified (the only one in Missouri!) and qualifies for a MO-state record or PR.
The 5K course starts at the same Drive-in, does not cross Rt66, but turns towards the Ruby Jack for an out-and-back run, with the turn-around at the trails' parking lot adjacent to Leggett & Platt HQ. The route is almost entirely on the Ruby Jack trail and is safe and quiet.
Overall awards for male and female in each race, age group and age-graded awards depending on number of participants in each age groups, MO age-record awards. Finishers' medal to all finishers.
Race Contact Info
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