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Embrace the Spectrum, Run for Autism

Sat September 25, 2021 Farmington, MO 63640 US Directions


Embrace the Spectrum 5K

8:00AM CDT - 12:00PM CDT


Farmington, MO US 63640


Coming to Farmington Mo is "Little Learners Spectrum Center" This will be an ABA therapy provider offering a therapeutic preschool, center-based on Reggio ABA, as well as speech and occupational therapy. LLSC offers comprehensive programs for children on the spectrum. Autism Spectrum Disorder now affects over two million people in the United States; with 1 out 54 people being diagnosed. This means that more and more children now require special education from a young age, with early intervention being a crucial key. Many Families in this community travel several miles multiple times a week for these types of services. We are excited to come to Farmington because of the strong community that exists there. After meeting with many local physicians & therapists, we believe the area will support this endeavor. This has been a long-term dream to see a program like this come to Farmington. The Little Learners Spectrum Center, is a not-for-profit and that is where you come in. In order to make this all a reality we need our Community's support.  

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