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Race the Trace (Draft)

Mon March 1 - Wed June 9 Brandon, MS 39042 US
This Race is in Draft Mode


Race the Trace - Solo

8:00AM CST - 11:59PM CDT

Race the Trace - Team of 2

8:00AM CST - 11:59PM CDT

Race the Trace - Team of 3

8:00AM CST - 11:59PM CDT

Race the Trace - Team of 4

8:00AM CST - 11:59PM CDT


Any time any place!
Brandon, MS US 39042


The Natchez Trace Parkway is a 444-mile recreational road and scenic drive through three states. It roughly follows the "Old Natchez Trace" a historic travel corridor used by American Indians, "Kaintucks," European settlers, slave traders, soldiers, and future presidents.  Today you get the chance to Race the Trace! 

444 miles is a rather long race so we're doing it at your pace and on your own time.  You'll be able to log your mileage over time from March 1st through June 9th.  That gives you a full 100 days to complete your race..  As long as your total hits 444 miles you've Raced the Trace in 100 days!

Along the way you'll get virtual badges for checkpoints along the trace like X, Y, and Z!

And of course, like any good race, you'll get swag!  Along with the virtual badges you receive a t-shirt after registering and a medal upon completion of your mileage.  Both will be mailed to you.  

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