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Animal Rescue League Virtual 5k

Fri December 25 - Sun February 28 Laurel, MS 39440 US


2511 Moose Drive
Laurel, MS US 39440


Kick start your New Years Resolution while helping shelter pets! The best part is that you can run, jog, or walk anywhere! (Scroll for race details) A virtual 5k gives you the freedom to be anywhere, with anyone, at any time, and at your own pace! Everyone loves to start the new years off on a healthy kick and this is the perfect way to get started! Get outside, or get on the treadmill and log those miles for a cause!

2020 has been hard on EVERYONE-including our furry friends! This virtual 5k is a great way to let go of the struggles that the year has brought and focus on moving forward! Animal Rescue League is the first no-kill shelter in the state of Mississippi which means that any animal we take in, we vow to love and support and try to find a loving home for them. With that civic responsibility, that means we run SOLEY on community donations to pay our staff and financially support the animals in whatever vet care they may need.

ARL Mission: To care and provide for the many unwanted and abandoned animal in our community. We are proud to have rehabilitated and found loving homes for thousands of animals over the years. 

Our goal: To eliminate thousands of homeless animals by educating the public about responsible and loving pet care.



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