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Le Tour De Virtuel

Sat August 29 - Sun September 20 Anywhere, NC 28409 US


Anywhere, NC US 28409


The Tour De France is the worlds most prestigious bike race and considered by many to be the greatest test of human endurance. This year you have the chance to peek inside of the world of the Tour De France and connect with the Tour in a new and unique way. Each day for the 21 days of the Tour you will be riding the same distance as the Tour De France riders. The good news you don't have to go to France or summit the Mt. Ventoux. You can ride the Tour right from your living room on your trainer or on your favorite bike routes. 

And the best part - you don't have to ride the 2156 miles alone! You may combine your miles with your teammates (2, 4 and 6 person teams). The Tour De Virtuel is a game of strategy. Work with your teammates to create the best strategy to take home the yellow jersey.   

  Each day your team will complete the prescribed stage distance.  There are 21 stages with 2 rest days built in.  There is also an optional sprint stage which is an individual competition.  See the Stage Schedule below.  

Riding Options: 


Tandem - 2 Person Team - Male/Female and CoEd Team options

Quad - 4 Person Team - Male/Female and CoEd Team options.  (CoEd teams must have at least 2 females)

Peloton - 6 Person Team - Male/Female and CoEd Team options (CoEd teams must have at least 3 females)


Swag geared to what we know you are going to need to ride the Tour! 

*Specialized Le Tour de Virtuel 26 oz Purist water bottle,

*Custom Live Full Send cycling socks

*Podium Shirt

*Chamois Butter.

*Daily Leaderboard to fuel your competitive spirit

*Private Facebook group to share The Tour De France and the Tour De Virtuel

*Chance to win a yellow, green or polka dot jersey




Yellow Jersey:  Fastest Time for 2156 Miles:  (38 yellow jersey winners)

Solo:  Male and Female

2 Person:  Male Team, Female Team and Co-Ed Team

4 Person: Male Team, Female Team and Co-Ed Team

6 Person: Male Team, Female Team and Co-Ed Team

Green Jersey:  Fastest Sprint Time on the Sprint Stage (Male and Female)

Polka Dot Jersey: Most Elevation Gain over all Stages (Male and Female)


Rules of the Road

We want this to be a fun and competitive event, but are well aware that virtual events can be tricky, so we're relying heavily on you all and the honor system

A few ground rules:

  • If you or your team is in the running to win a jersey, all stats will have to be backed up with Strava and/or a GPX data. You can join private Stava Group HERE
  • If you complete this race solo and can prove it, we'll give you a full refund!
  • The total number of miles your team submits each day must match the required mile for that day’s stage.
    • any overages will be deleted by the race directors.
  • Elevation is a tricky beast to measure with most devices, but what fun is Le Tour de Virtuel without a Polka Dot Jersey winner. So, if you know yours is giving wonky stats, save us the trouble of having to call you on it.
  • There are no make-up days.
    • If you miss a day or your team's total mileage does not equal that day’s distance, you are no longer eligible for awards.

For Teams:

  • Strategy, Strategy, Strategy
  • It is up to you all to decide how the miles are divided
  • Everyone on the team does not have to ride each stage.
    • The total for the team just has to meet the stage distance.
  • Stage 20 - the time trial - is open to all racers to try to earn the Green Jersey.
    • Do NOT record your results on the website. There will be a google form emailed for that day’s results only.
    • The race directors will use the teams fastest rider to add to the team’s results.
    • Only one person on each team has to complete the 22 mile ride, but all may compete

Stage Schedule

Le Tour De Virtuel Ride Schedule and Mileage Breakdown.

Here is how this will work: On Day 1 - 8/29 - Stage 1 is 106 miles. If you are riding solo you will ride 106 miles. If you are a 2 person team - Rider A can ride 106 miles and Rider B can take a rest day. OR Rider A and Rider B can each ride 53 miles. Same concept with a 4 or 6 person team. You can split the milage anyway you would like as long as your team logs 106 miles on day 1. Le tour De Virtuel is as much about riding as it is about strategy!

Stage Schedule

Submiting your results

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