Chapel Hill, NC US 27516
The revamped race will take place on Saturday, December 5th.
The course is entirely on Woods’ campus - lots of fun trail running!
We’ll have staggered start times to keep us socially disantanced.
This year’s race includes a Fun Run as well as the 5K.
If you’d rather run in the place of your choosing, we have a Virtual option as well!
Race Details:
New course this year allowing for different start and finish lines. Both the Fun Run and 5K are entirely on Woods’ campus.
Start times will be staggered by ten minutes, with ten racers per wave. You choose your start time when registering for the race.
As always, the race is open to runners, walkers and our four-legged friends. Jogging strollers are welcome as well, but be advised there will be rough terrain.
Fees for the 5K, Fun Run and Virtual 5K include race tshirt.
Race will adhere to all COVID-19 protocols (see below). If protocols change in a way that it is impossible to hold an in-person event, the event will go on as a virtual race.
COVID-19 Plan and Precautions
We are committed to providing a safe environment and successful event for our participants and volunteers. The event will comply with all North Carolina COVID-19 Executive Orders that are in place on December 5th, 2020.
Race Operations Plan and Protocols:
Social Distancing
The race will be started in waves. Participants will choose a specific start time and each wave will be limited to 10 people or less. Waves will be ten minutes apart.
Participants will be asked to stay near their vehicles and/or not congregate in the pre-race staging area until 10 minutes before their start time.
There will be a designated staging area adjacent to the start line. It will be large enough to allow for >6 feet of social distancing between participants and volunteers.
Signage will remind participants of social distancing and the 3 W’s - Wear, Wait, Wash.
Packet pick up will be available at school the week before race day to avoid race day lines/congregations.
Face Coverings
All race volunteers will be required to wear face coverings.
Participants are required to wear face coverings until the start of the race. Single use face coverings will be available at the start line in case a participant forgets his/hers.
Cleaning & Hygiene
Hand sanitizer will be readily available for everyone.
There will not be access to the school building. There will be a port-a-john in the school parking lot, with a hands-free hand sanitizer pump available beside it.
There will be no water stations or finish line refreshment table.
Monitoring for Symptoms
A symptom screening and temperature will be taken of all race volunteers upon arrival to the race.
Information will be sent to participants reminding them if they display any of the COVID-19 symptoms, or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, to remain home.
Protecting Vulnerable Populations
We are asking all participants who fall into the vulnerable populations class to stay home and participate in the event virtually.
The Race Course
By the nature of racing, participants will be spread out along the course. Social distancing of >6 feet is expected and usually easy to maintain. If you need to pass someone and are not able to maintain >6 feet of social distancing while passing, the passing participant is expected to announce him/herself and put his/her face covering on while passing.
Volunteers serving as course monitors will be required to wear a face covering and stand 6 feet away from runners.
The Finish Line
The number of participants allowed at the finish line at one time will reflect the Mass Gathering number issued by Governor Cooper for whatever Phase is in effect on December 5th, 2020. We will not exceed that amount and congregated runners will be asked to leave the area.
Participants should be prepared to get in their vehicles and leave upon completion of the course, as to avoid congregating/exceeding the Mass Gatherings number.
There will not be a refreshments table at the finish line.
Race times will be published by Monday, December 7th.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Course Map
Presenting Sponsor: A. Grant Mangum & Company, Inc.
A big thank you to our Presenting Sponsor, A. Grant Mangum & Company, Inc! They are a full service accounting, tax, and practice management consulting firm with offices in Chapel Hill and Rocky Mount. For more than 50 years they have been serving individuals, business owners, executives, and health care professionals.
Contact them through their website HERE, or by calling them at (919) 967-5733.
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Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.