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CANCELED - Summit Solstice 12-Hour Relay and Kids' Color Fun Run

Sat June 15, 2019 Davidson, NC 28035 US Directions


12-Hour Laps Relay

7:00AM EDT - 7:00PM EDT

Kids' Color Fun Run

4:00PM EDT - 5:00PM EDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


120 Patterson Court Circle
Davidson College
Davidson, NC US 28035


Regretfully Team Summit Foundation has made the hard decision to cancel next Saturday's event. Surprisingly low registration numbers have left us with little choice. Everyone who has registered will be issued a full refund, plus free registration to our November Twilight 5k (which will happen).

If you're interested, next Saturday we will host the Summit Solstice as an abbreviated event, from 4-7pm, at the Summit Coffee Outpost. We will have a Color Run at 4:30pm, and Beer Mile at 5:30pm. To accompany the runs, there will be live music from 4-7, as well as food from the Gogi truck, and beer from Sierra Nevada. There will be no pre-registration for these events -- on-site payment ($10 for each event) will begin at 4:00pm.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


We’re excited that you’re taking part in the fourth annual Summit Solstice 12-Hour Solo and Relay Run. Below you will find detailed course information for each of the three courses, along with links to the routes. Each course will be marked with signage. As a reminder, the race will be scored by a points system. The three-mile course is one point, the five-mile course is two points, and the nine-mile course (actually a bit longer, but who’s counting) is worth five.

Three-mile course is on the Davidson College trails and will consist of the powerline trail along with one INNER loop. Start by crossing Patterson Court and continuing behind the school bulletin board. Go around the retaining pond to get to the power line trail.

 Five-mile course is on the Davidson College trails and will consist of the power line trail along with one OUTER loop and one MIDDLE loop. Start by crossing Patterson Court and continuing behind the school bulletin board. Go around the retaining pond to get to the powerline trail.

 Nine-mile course is on asphalt and goes to and around the Abersham subdivision east of town. Start by turning right onto Patterson Court, right on Baker Dr. taking the campus sidewalk to Main St. Turn left onto Main St., then left onto Davidson-Concord Rd. Left onto Grey Rd., then right into Abersham subdivision. There will be a self-supported water station at the entrance off Grey and Greenwold, which runners will encounter twice. After going counter-clockwise around Abersham, head back towards town. Note that the course is open to vehicular traffic so runners must pay attention to their surroundings.

 Bonus! On the nine-mile course we have set up a Strava challenge. Called the Summit Solstice Strava Challenge, the individual runner who completes it in the fastest time as recorded by the Strava app will receive a terrific prize from REI Charlotte. If you’re unfamiliar with Strava, it’s a free app wherein you can measure and compare your running activities with your friends.


Race Participant Survey

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