Farmville, NC US 27828
The Farmville 5K & Fun Run will be held on Saturday May 17th, 2025. The 5K course starts and finishes at Farmville’s Town Common and features a scenic run along Farmville’s athletic field, golf course, library, arboretum, and through both new and historic neighborhoods in a family-friendly town. The Fun Run will follow the first 1.2 miles of the 5K course, turning off at the Town Common towards the finish line. This event is being supported by Farmville Parks & Recreation.
The 5k will start promptly at 8 am, and the Fun Run will start shortly thereafter.
The 5K will be chip timed by Run the East LLC using disposable chips attached to each race bib. The Fun Run will not be chip-timed.
Event t-shirt in preferred size guaranteed to all participants registered by April 24th.
Registration fees are non-refundable. This event will take place rain or shine.
Registration/Packet Pickup:
There will be two opportunities to pick up registration packets and bibs.
Early packet pickup will be available on Friday, May 16th from 4 to 7 pm at the Farmville Community Center located at 3886 South Main St, Farmville, NC 27828.
Same day registration and packet pickup will also be available on Saturday race day, beginning at 7:00 am on the Farmville Town Common.
Registration Fees:
5K: $25 until 04/04/2025; $30 until 05/16/2025; $35 on race day
Ruck 5K: $25 until 04/04/2025; $30 until 05/16/2024; $35 on race day
Fun Run/Walk: $20
Awards and Ceremony:
The award ceremony will take place in the gazebo on the Town Common immediately after the last participant crosses the finish line.
5k Course Map
Event Timed by Run The East, LLC
This event is timed by Run the East! With professional race timing services and a focus on delivering accurate results,
we’re here to make your race day seamless and enjoyable. Learn more at
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
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