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Sat September 25, 2021 Granite Falls, NC 28630 US Directions


10K Trail Run

8:00AM EDT - 9:30AM EDT

5K Trail Run

8:00AM EDT - 9:00AM EDT

Jr. Soldiers Run (5-12 yrs old Non Timed)

9:45AM EDT - 10:45AM EDT
Open to ages 5 - 12.

Soldier Run (12 yrs and older, Timed)

10:45AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT

Soldier Run (12 yrs and older, Non Timed)

11:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT


6160 Petra Mill Rd
Granite Falls, NC US 28630


This is the 10th Annual Endure and will be full of fun for the entire family. 6160 Petra Mill Rd Granite Falls NC 28630 (Sim's Country BBQ)


The ENDURE event is to raise funds for missions affiliated with Dudley Shoals Baptist Church. 



Tyler Sims Memorial Endure is a day of fun, raising money for Missions in our community, North Carolina, New York and people around the world, sponsored by Dudley Shoals Baptist Church. 

The race was renamed in 2015 in memory of Tyler Sims who was a member of the group to organize and work on the race trails and obstacles since the first race in 2011. Tyler lost his life after being hit by an impaired driver Aug. 3rd 2015 while he was cycling. Tyler’s legacy was love for others, hard work and faithfulness to Christ.


Saturday: September 25th 2021


10K/5K walk/run kicks off at 8 am


Packet Pick Up:  Day of the race beginning at 0700. There is Race day registration that needs to be completed 30 minutes before each race. 


Run Course: The 10K/5K Run course is a trail race and will be on grass/dirt trails. The run is beginner friendly, great for both adults and children.


The Soldier Run is an obstacle race with mud, water, and other challenges. Participants should expect to be wet and dirty when finishing. 


The Jr. Soldier Run is for children with age appropriate obstacles, some mud and water. Approximately 1 mile long.


Timing System: The 10K/5K trail run will be timed using chip timing. The Jr. Soldier run and Non-competitive Soldier run will not be timed events.


Awards and Age Divisions: There will be an overall male and overall female 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner for the 5K run, and Competitive Soldier. Only 1st Place Overall male and female in the 10k. There will be 1st place male and female for the Ultra Competitor, combined times from 5k/Competitive Soldier Run.  


Participants in 10K and 5K in age divisions 10 and under, 11-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65+, will receive awards.


Free t-shirt included with registration for all events, deadline for shirts is September 18th . 




Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.

Hebrews 12:1

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ENDURE Race/Tyler Sims Memorial Face Book

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