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Charity Chase Half Marathon

Charity Chase Half Marathon

$70 7:30AM EDT
Events: Charity Chase Half Marathon
Charity Chase 5K

Charity Chase 5K

$40 7:00AM EDT
Events: Charity Chase 5K


Start line is at the corner of 4th St NW and Main Ave NW in downtown Hickory, NC


We are celebrating our 19th year of the Charity Chase Half Marathon!!!!

The Charity Chase Half Marathon is a rewarding run for those up for the challenge.  Hickory is in the foothills of North Carolina and the race course winds around the city with elevation changes that will require some effort.  You will have run up and down the equivalent of a sixty-story building before you finish but don't be scared off!  We have participants that run/walk and runners as young as seven and as old as seventy.  

The Charity Chase 5k will take participants through the downtown area of Hickory. 

Charity Chase Half Marathon will start at 7:30 AM

Charity Chase 5K will start at 7:00 AM.  

Our Charity volunteer groups help make Charity Chase Half Marathon run smoothly.  There will be over 300 volunteers at the start/finish and along the race course to cheer you on, provide water, Gatorade & GU.  They may even entertain you along the way!  Hickory's Police Department will be at every controlled intersection and our EMS will be on standby along the course for your safety.

Packet Pick Up will be Friday, May 9th from 12pm-6pm at the Hickory Metro Convention Center           

Race Day Packet Pick Up is available at race venue between 5:30 am - 6:45 am.

Everything we do at Charity Chase Half Marathon is geared to giving our RUNNERS a rewarding race where, hopefully, new PERSONAL BESTS and GREAT EXPERIENCES will be found.  We look forward to seeing you there!



Half Marathon

Top 3 Male/Female Overall

Top 3 Age Group Male/Female Awards: 1-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65+


Top 3 Male/Female Overall

1st place in each age group awards: 1-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65+

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Course Maps for 5k and Half Marathon

2025 Charity Chase 5K

2025 Charity Chase Half Marathon



Half Marathon Shirt


5K Shirt



Refund Policy

All sales are final. No refunds for this event.
Charity Chase Executive Committee reserves the right to modify, change, reschedule, or cancel this event.

Packet Pickups

Hickory Metro Convention Center

1960 13th Ave Dr SE

Hickory, NC  28602

Friday, May 9th from 12pm-6pm


Start line is at the corner of 4th St NW and Main Ave NW in downtown Hickory, NC

MapMyRun Map


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