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Main Street Mile Series - Lenoir, NC

Fri June 24, 2011 Lenoir, NC 28645 US Directions



Harper Ave NW & Church St SW
Lenoir, NC US 28645


Each of the Main Street Mile series races will be a unique Thursday- or Friday evening event that captures the flavor of the host town. The intent is to stage races of exactly one mile, however, due to differences in the physical layout of each host site, the races can be slightly longer, or shorter, than one mile.

Each race will be run in two heats: Male & Female. Start times for each heat will be staggered by approximately fifteen (15) minutes.

Awards will be presented to the top ten finishers.

Results from each of the Main Street Mile Series races will be combined and calculated to determine the overall series winners. The process is simple: a first place finish earns 10 points, a tenth place finish earns 1 point. No points will be awarded beyond the top ten finishers. The highest total point count is the winner. Ties will be decided by faster finish times. Runners must participate in at least three Main Street Mile events to be eligible for series awards.

Most events will be timed using MyLaps® ChampionChip™ timing & scoring. Races with significantly smaller turnout may be timed and scored using a computerized, manual (pull-tag) method. Timing will be provided by Lee Timing LLC. Results will be posted at the race and available online the same night on this web site as well as on the Blue Ridge Multi Sport web site.

Race Contact Info

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