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New Bern Police Department Virtual Marathon benefitting Special Olympics North Carolina

Sat April 25, 2020 New Bern, NC 28562 US Directions


210 East Front Street
New Bern, NC US 28562


Participants will have from March 1st through April 24th to complete 25 miles.  On April 25th, we will meet at 8:00 am in  Union Point Park to complete the final 1.2 miles as we run the Special Olympics Torch through New Bern.  This leg will be completed with members of the New Bern Police Department and Special Olympics athletes from our area.  All proceeds will benefit Special Olympics North Carolina.  Runners will receive the medal shown at the top of the page.  Runners who run the 1.2 miles with the officers and athletes will receive a North Carolina Torch Run T-shirt as well.  

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