South Mills, NC US 27976
Race Description/Details:
The Soulhunters Sportsmen Ministry is associated with Fountain of Life Church. This will be our 2nd annual 5K run/walk race to help raise necessary funds to support our Hunters for Hunger mission. This mission field takes donated deer meat from local hunters and processes and packages the meat to give to needy families in our surrounding communities. The purpose of this run/walk is to raise funds for the processing and packaging of the meat.
Registration Fees/Dates/Categories:
$25 until April 30th and then increase to $30 starting May 1st.
All 5K participants will receive a t-shirt who register by April 30th. A limited number of t-shirts will be available for purchase on race day.
Overall top 3 woman and men winners. Youth 17 and under overall top 3.
Dismal Swamp Canal Trail is a wide, paved, and flat pathway along its namesake waterway and the Great Dismal Swamp Refuge. This trail provides scenic views and opportunities to glimpse many types of birds and other wildlife.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.