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1k to 12k Series Race #3 3k

Tue March 16, 2021 Statesville, NC 28677 US Directions


1K - 12k Series Race #3 3k

6:00PM EDT - 6:30PM EDT


2012 Simonton Rd.
Statesville, NC US 28677


1k  to 12k Series Starts in January and runs thru December

Accumulate the most points.  Earn Points in each race by participating 

Run in all races and receive 25 additional points.

Run in all races and receive a special gift.

Awards each race for top 3 male and female in overall, master and 5 year age groups

Prize money for Top 5 male and female finishers.  Runners must  participate in a minimum of 9 races to be

considered for Cash Prizes and the Series Championship.

1) $65.00

2) $45.00

3) $35.00

4) $25.00

5) $15.00




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