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Sun October 6, 2019 Hampton, NJ 08827 US Directions


Part of the 2019 GetPhound Fall Point Series!


11:00AM EDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Hampton Borough Park
Valley Road
Hampton, NJ US 08827


Spend a morning in runner's paradise...

Run a 5K on COMPLETELY CLOSED Rural Roads!!!  It's our 7th Annual Race and part of the GetPhound Fall Points Series presented by SpectaSport!

New this year!  We are now a stroller-friendly race!

Tucked along the the banks of the Musconetcong River halfway between Allentown PA and New York City is the idyllic rural town of Hampton Borough, New Jersey (pop. 1401).  It's the kind of place that makes you want to whistle the theme from the Andy Griffith show -- and where the mayor and council thinks it's a great idea to completely close the country roads surrounding their little municipality for their town's annual 5K!   Oh, and we're giving our traditional T-Bone steaks again as prizes to the first place overall Man and Woman.

The 5K honors the life of the late Terry "T-Bone" Butler, a civic leader and educator.   All proceeds benefit students at North Hunterdon/Vorhees School District and University of Rhode Island through The Terry Butler Memorial Scholarship Foundation, which has already awarded more than $25,000 in scholarships to deserving students at the University of Rhode Island, North Hunterdon and Voorhees HS. 

Race Details:

Distance 5K, Chip-Timed with real-time results by SpectaSport.  T-Bone T-Shirts for first 100 entries. Walkers welcome.

October 6, 2019 - Packet Pickup & Late Registration @ 8:30 - Race Time 11:00 am (after the local churches let out, we told you this was small town runner's paradise)

$25 for advance online registration.  $30 Race Day Registration (if spots still available!).  Walk-up registration begins 8:30 on Sunday, get there early for the best parking spots. Free Race Shirt for first 100 entries received by 9/12/19.

Results Divisions: Overall Male, Overall Female plus age groups M/F 14 & under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+ (Overall Male and Female win a T-Bone Steak and are excluded from their respective age groups). Participants must finish within 45 minutes to be eligible for Age Group Awards Ceremony.

Road Conditions:  Roads completely closed to automobiles for at least 30 minutes.

Race Contact Info

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