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Walk-Run-Rock Steady Virtual Olympic Challenge

Mon June 1 - Tue June 30 Hillsborough, NJ 08844 US


Anywhere, Anytime!
Hillsborough, NJ US 08844


Help support people with Parkinson's by joining our virtual challenge this June! The COVID 19 pandemic has resulted in the closure of our Rock Steady Boxing programs, as well as many other exercise programs in the country which specifically target the symptoms of people with Parkinson's.  Several of our tri-state Rock Steady Boxing affiliates are teaming together to encourage our fighters with Parkinson's and everyone else to get out and walk or run!  The money raised will help support our local Rock Steady Boxing programs. It is a difficult time for everyone, and our Rock Steady Boxing programs from Bucks County PA, Garwood NJ, Staten Island, NY, Hillsborough, NJ and Princeton, NJ are also struggling to be able to pay expenses to keep these vital programs running. We are also working hard to keep our fighters with Parkinson's healthy. This virtual challenge will help with motivation and accountability to keep us all moving!!

You can help!  It is simple - register by May 31 for the Rock Steady Team of your choice (This is required. The team you choose will receive the net revenue from your registration), and then complete your walks/runs on your own time, wherever you would like. **If you choose to make a donation over and above the registration fee, we welcome it! Please send it directly to the Rock Steady Boxing location of your choice.  

There are 60,000 newly diagnosed cases of Parkinson’s Disease reported each year. All Rock Steady Boxers are invited to join.  Depending on your health,
there are three levels of challenges you can join. The challenge goes from June 1 to June 30, 2020.  Gold level: complete 60 miles (avg 2 miles/day.) Silver level: complete 30 miles (avg 1 mile/day). Bronze level: complete 10 miles (avg 1/3 mile/day)  You have a month to reach your goal!  

You get:     

  • ---- Motivation to stay fit
  • ---- An awesome commemorative T-shirt of the event
  • ---- A printable unique bib with your name and bib number to wear when walking or running (if you want to look official!) 
  • ---- The opportunity to help our local Rock Steady Boxing programs that are helping people with Parkinson's FIGHT BACK! 

Everyone is welcome to accept this challenge. Parkinson’s folks, care givers, family, friends.  This is a virtual event, so you can join from anywhere! 

Please support these vital programs for people with Parkinson's!
Our motto at Rock Steady Boxing: Challenge yourself!  Never give up!  

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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