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Shore A.C. VIRTUAL Track and Field/XC/Road Relay Meet

Fri August 28 - Sun August 30 Holmdel, NJ 07733 US


1 anywhere
Holmdel, NJ US 07733


With the end of the summer and beginning of the fall not far away, here is a chance for athletes of all ages to connect with their teammates for a fun competition. For each relay, teams can complete the events together in true relay-style, or they can complete the events separately and combine their performances after the fact to create their final result. 

Teams must complete their events between Friday 8/28/2020 and Sunday 8/30/2020 and submit results by Sunday 8/30/2020 at midnight. Entries are $15. 

Shore A.C. Virtual Relay Descriptions and Guidelines
All track relays can be completed by either 4 people competing together (if you have a venue where you can safely do so), OR by 4 individuals competing separately and combining their performances to achieve the team’s final relay time.


The 4x100, 4x200, 4x400 and 4x800 relays should be done on a track. The longer relays can be done either on a track, on the roads or on a cross country course. In all cases, teams should be able to submit some form of verification of their performance. This can be a photo, video, a picture of a GPS watch or other documentation. Documentation can be sent to


All running relays should be 4 people running the same distance, except for the 2 longest races. For the half marathon and marathon relay, teams can split up the distance as they choose, as long as the total equals 13.1 or 26.2.

For clubs/teams selecting the 4x1600 or 4XMile event, or the 4x3200 or 4x2 Mile event, they must specify which distance was completed. Results will be converted to a common distance and combined into one result for each of these events.

Distance reminders – 5K = 3.11 miles. 10K = 6.22 miles.

                                 Half Marathon = 13.1 miles. Marathon = 26.2 miles

This event is open to youth clubs, high school and college teams (with the OK from their school), open clubs and masters clubs. If a club or school team wishes to “challenge” another club or team, they are encouraged to do so. These teams should agree on a common time to start their events to compete “head to head,” as some of the elite clubs have done recently.

Clubs/teams may enter multiple relays in the same event. In that case, they should be designated somehow (“Cortland High A” and “Cortland High B,” for example, or “Cortland High Purple” and “Cortland High Gold”).

Field event relays should be 2 person teams. Each member of the team gets 6 attempts to throw or jump. Only legal attempts should be measured. Combine each person’s best mark to get the total distance (50’2” + 54’6” = 104’8”, for example).

Athletes not affiliated with a club or team who would like to compete may form a team and register with family members or training partners.


In all cases, teams/clubs should follow all local regulations and ensure that they have a safe, legal environment in which to compete.

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