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Mon February 10 - Mon June 1 Newark, NJ 07105 US Directions

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Virtual Anywhere
Newark, NJ US 07105


We’re excited to invite you to join us for this charity race event “RUN FOR DAVI”  part of Four Seasons Virtual Run Series “SPRING 5K” Run this race on your own terms, and help our organization to raise funds to help a little boy Davi that’s need a special surgery in Brazil that’s the insurance doesn’t cover. 
Davi has two years and nine months older and faced disease called granulomatous chronic, he fights every day against fungus and bacteria now he needs a bone marrow transplant. 
We decided to help him on his journey, organizing this race event. 
Let’s participate and Run with a PURPOSE. 
SIGN UP TODAY and Get fit, have fun, earn medal and help Davi to get his surgery done. 

if you need additional information about Davi and other ways to help the family just email us at:

Every Virtual Race from this serie includes medals, you just need to Run outside (not treadmil) and send us a print picture of your run from any GPS running App, we will sending your medal by mail.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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