660 Rosedale
Princeton, NJ US 08540
Join us for the ETS Firecracker Fun Run on Thursday, July 13th at the ETS campus and help provide access to early childhood education through the YWCA Bates Scholarship fund. Run or walk a 3K trail through the beautiful ETS campus, kids can enjoy the 50 yard dash, lawn games, and prizes. A fun summer event complete with a DJ and food truck options. Prizes awarded to the First Finisher, Top ETS Fundraiser, and Top Community Fundraiser. Come out to support a great cause at this fun family event!
Registration begins at 6:00 and run/walk begins at 6:30, please use entrance on Carter Rd. Parking is the first road on left (Research Rd) by the cafeteria.
Run is rain or shine, and only in the event of emergency weather the run will be cancelled.