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CV Days Run, Jog, Walk: Moving For Recovery

Saturday, June 12, 2021 Gardnerville, NV 89410 US
In Support of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Recovery



06/12 8:00AM PDT - 12:00PM PDT


 We are INCREDIBLY EXCITED to announce this live and IN PERSON 5k in June 2021!!!  We all greatly missed our annual Carson Valley Days 5k last year and are thrilled to be bringing it back for 2021!  This time it's even more exciting, because it is the conclusion to our Triple Challenge For Recovery.  Our first ever Triple Challenge started with our first ever virtual event, Miles For Recovery in September 2020. Next, we had the second leg, another virtual challenge, Minutes For Recovery in March 2021. And now we have our conclusion, Moving For Recovery on Carson Valley Days 2021!  

This will be the first in-person event of this triple challenge, and we can't wait!  We loved the virtual challenges, and we know they made it accessible for friends and family members all over the world, so we decided to change our formatting a little bit to make this more fun for everyone!  We will host an in-person 5k run-jog-walk at the Carson Valley Days Parade on June 12, 2021.  We will also allow virtual submissions starting June 1, 2021.  So, if you can't make it to our in-person event, you have those first 12 days in June to complete a 5k at your own location and pace!  


Key Details:

  • WE WILL FOLLOW STATE AND LOCAL COVID REGULATIONS. Several Covid regulations may change as we get closer to June. As of now, masks and social distancing will still be required.  We may or may not need to have a staggered start time; if that becomes a necessity, we will provide details.  If regulations change, we will keep everyone apprised of those changes and how they affect our race.  It is important to check the website and follow us on our race Facebook page.

  • $30 entry for everyone 12 and over, $15 for children 11 and under

  • Costumes encouraged! Theme is "In a Valley Far Far Away..." so we expect all you Jedi’s to show up in force!  We also expect to see some costume pictures from our virtual participants as well!

  • Self-timed event!  You’re welcome to submit a time virtually, but we will not be timing this event.  If you choose to submit a virtual time, please only submit times for walking, jogging, or running a 5k.  We'd love for you to do it in whatever way you love the most, but to keep things real for those looking for race preparation, let's limit the time submittals to walk/jog/run 5k's only.

  • Deadline to sign up (for both virtual and in-person) is June 12 at 7:30 am


For those of you running a virtual 5k, pick your own route and have fun with it! Be sure to share pictures on our Facebook page or here through runsignup!

 For those of you joining us in-person before the start of the Carson Valley Days Parade, route information will be available soon!


  • Medals to the first 125 participants across the finish line (IN-PERSON ONLY!)

  • Fanny packs to the first 150 participants to sign up, virtual or in-person! 


This virtual and in person challenge is benefiting Tahoe Youth and Family Services, with locations in Gardnerville, Nevada and South Lake Tahoe, California.  Tahoe Youth and Family Services (TYFS) is a private non-profit organization whose mission is “To promote the healthy development of children, families, and individuals through counseling and support programs.”  For more detailed information on the services provided by TYFS, please visit our website:
Tahoe Youth and Family Services

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Total Fitness Partner

Physical Fitness Premier Sponsor

Mental Wellness Sponsor

Valued Sponsors

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at

MapMyRun Map


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