6hr Distance Classic
6 Hour Distance Classic
Sunday April 13th @ 8:00am
The 27th Annual 6-Hour Distance Classic! Run or walk as far as you can for up to 6 hours. All certified distances occur concurrently. This contains a USATF-Certified half-marathon and full marathon. You may use your marathon finish time as a Boston Qualifier.
All timing stops at 2:00 p.m.(6 hours) Partial laps at the end of the race will count, but only if the runner completes the full lap.
8:00am Start Time
Race Location, Packet Pickup and In Person Registration
Amherst Bike Path Shelter, northeast corner of Northtown Center - 1615 Amherst Manor Drive, Williamsville NY 14221 (directions below)
Race Day, 7:00 am-7:45 am
$10 U.S. Ages 13 and under, and ages 70 and over
$45 U.S. Ages 14-69 prior to April 11th at midnight
$50 U.S. Ages 14-69 on race day
All Runners Will Receive a Finishers Medal
The course is a P-Shaped loop so that you are never further than 1.5 miles from water, munchies, porta-potties and your vehicle and personal stash of running support supplies, if you wish.
The loop is USATF Certified at 5K (3.11 miles) under USATF Certified Course NY23006JJ. Entire course is run on the traffic-free Amherst Bike Path!
The included Marathon occurs after you have completed 8 full loops plus an additional 2.195 km as indicated in USATF Certified Course number NY23007JJ.
The Boston Athletics Association (BAA) solicits our marathon results each year to identify Boston Qualifying(BQ) performances. Runners have qualified for Boston at our event.
The included Half Marathon occurs after you have completed 4 full loops plus an additional 1.0975 km as indicated in USATF Certified Course number NY23008JJ.
The aid station is setup near the primary timing station at the Turn-Around. Water, Gatorade, munchies are constantly available. Pizza and pop will be served at this location starting half way through.
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
Paper Application
Need to mail in a paper application? Download one here.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
At the trailhead of the Ellicott Creek Trailway section of the Amherst Bike Path, located near the north-east corner of the parking lot of the Northtown Center, 1615 Amherst Manor Dr., Williamsville, NY 14221. This location is near to the football stadium of the University at Buffalo's Amherst campus. We are across the street from the campus, (south of) Millersport Hwy (Rt 263), near to the campus' intersection of Millersport Hwy and Coventry Rd.
Turn right off Millersport at the UB light onto Maplemere, and park in the lot by the Alix Rice Skate Ramp or in the medical center overflow lot.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.