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Kiwanis Eliminate Project Virtual Race

Tue December 31, 2013 Anywhere, NY 12345 US Directions


123 Anywhere Street
Anywhere, NY US 12345


This is a virtual run/walk to support the Kiwanis International Foundation/UNICEF Eliminate Project to help eliminate maternal and neo-natal tetanus from the world.   It costs $1.80 to provide a pregnant woman with 3 vaccines that will prevent the transmission of tetanus to her unborn child.  You have between the date you register and December 31, 2013 to complete a 5K, 10K or Half Marathon. Feel free to run, walk, swim or bike your miles.  Each registrant of the 5K, 10K or Half will receive a 3" custom deisgned medal.

All fees collected, minus expenses will be donated in the name of the Long Island Young Professional Satellite Club of the Kiwanis Club of Merrick, NY to the Kiwanis International Foundation for the Eliminate Project.

Join Us and Let’s run for the mothers and their unborn babies...

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