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Sun October 4 - Sat October 10 Ithaca, NY 14850 US
It's almost time for your challenge!

Challenge Website

Additional challenge information can be found at


Ithaca, NY US 14850


Join NAMI Finger Lakes as we recognize World Mental Health Day on October 10th, 2020, with our Virtual Challenges!

NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI Finger Lakes is your local NAMI Affiliate, providing education, support and advocacy to local families impacted by mental health conditions. All NAMI services are provided for free by experienced volunteers. Your participation in our NAMI Finger Lakes Challenges is a generous way to provide hope and support and to build a community in which every individual is treated with dignity and respect. Every donation is tax deductible. (Our 501(c)(3) status can be verified at the IRS Charities Search website by searching for Organization=NAMI, Location = Ithaca NY.)

How can I partner with NAMI Finger Lakes for this event?

Get ready to choose your challenge for NAMI Finger Lakes! Between October 4th and 10th (Our National Day of Hope) You can walk 1 mile or 5K in your neighborhood, on a treadmill, on wheels -- or even in your imagination. You can skip rope, bake a cake, knit a scarf, sing a song, read a book to yourself or to your friends. You can join in a mental health conversation with others. Whatever talent or skill you choose to share for your challenge, you'll be sharing hope at a time when we all need it most. 

What Do I Need To Do?

It's easy! Sign up and choose your challenge. A longer activity can be completed with our 5k Virtual Challenge. A more manageable challenge can be completed with our Virtual Mile Challenge. The Choose Your Challenge is your best choice to decide on your own what skill you want to learn or share and for how long. ALL EVENTS ARE VIRTUAL, NOT IN PERSON.

Set a goal and share your Challenge with friends and family! Take selfies during your event and share your progress. Share your story and encourage your caring supporters to talk about Mental Health and to reach out to NAMI Finger Lakes for free support and education.

This event will be open during the entire week of October 4th thru October 10th so you'll have plenty of time to complete your Challenge. Registration begins on September 12th to help you share and build support to meet your fund raising goal.

We're so grateful for your generous support of NAMI Finger Lakes. We look forward to seeing all of the gifts and talents you share in recognition of World Mental Health Day and in support of our goal!

Thank You!

Challenge Contact Info

If you have any questions about this challenge, click the button below.

About NAMI Finger Lakes

NAMI-Finger Lakes is the Ithaca, NY affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

We seek to:
  • Support families and friends of people diagnosed with major mental illnesses
  • Educate families and the public about mental illness
  • Advocate for families and their ill relatives

NAMI-Finger Lakes is a non-profit organization run by experienced volunteers. All of us have loved ones living with mental illness. As a result, we are very familiar with our local services for people recovering from mental illnesses, and we are happy to share our knowledge and experiences with you.

Our programs include:
  • Confidential support groups
  • Support for family members with patients in Cayuga Med’s Behavioral Services Unit
  • Family-to-Family Education Course for adults
  • Educational events open to the public
  • Speakers who will talk with college classes and community organizations about mental illness and its impact on families and our community
  • A lending library of resource materials about mental illness
  • Listserv announcing relevant events and information
  • A weekly newsletter with items of interest to the mental health community

Please contact us – we are a safe harbor of support and education for your family while you navigate the impacts of mental illness.


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Challenge Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your challenge experience.

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