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McKirdy Micro Marathons - New York

Sun May 2, 2021 Liverpool, NY 13088 US Directions



7:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT


106 Lake Dr
Liverpool, NY US 13088


Thank you for your interest in the McKirdy Micro Marathons!

As we all know, the past year has been an incredibly challenging time. Our first and foremost goal with these events is to give you a safe, close-to-home marathon with as low of a risk of cancellation as possible. Of course, we don't have much control over how COVID-19 might impact our ability to go ahead with the event. Local regulations may cause us to need to cancel at last minute. Safety for the runners AND for the community will always be our number one priority. Our goal is to keep these marathons at very low capacity, with COVID regulations in place, in order to keep everyone as safe as possible and mitigate the risk of cancellation to the highest extent possible.

Regardless of local mandates, all participants will be required to wear a mask except for when they are actively participating in the event (that is, once you start running you may remove your mask. If you are not running, you are expected to have a mask on). We highly discourage spectators but if you are planning on bringing a family member or friend, we require them to wear a mask at all times. This is for everyone's safety. If you're not comfortable with wearing a mask, we'd kindly request that you decline to participate.

The New York race will take place at Onondaga Lake Park in Liverpool, NY. The total capacity for the race is 50 runners.


The course will consist of 4- 6.55 mile out-and-back segments on the East Shore Trail at Onondaga Lake Park. The start is by the Yacht Club and the finish is at the Salt Museum. The parkway is flat and fast. The course will be USATF certified (completed on April 3rd... awaiting the USATF number) and the race will count as a Boston Qualifier!

Awaiting final approval from USATF - once we get the all clear the certified course number will be NY21002JG

Check out the course on Strava!

Start Line Procedure

ALL RUNNERS MUST WEAR A MASK WHILE IN THE STAGING AREA! Failure to do so will result in disqualification. We highly recommend a buff or something that can be easily pulled down once you're running, so you'll have it on you at the finish as well. Runners will start two at a time with 6' between each row of 2 - this is to promote proper social distancing.

Your official time will be when you cross the start line and when you then cross the finish line.

Aid Stations

There will be two aid stations on the course, one in the northbound direction and one in the southbound direction, near Willow Bay Park. Each aid station will consist of 2 tables, with each table manned by 1-2 volunteers. There will be 6ft of space in between each table in order to minimize crowding of runners attempting to access the provided water bottles. Volunteers will not be handing anything to the runners, but will simply be there to assist with keeping the tables stocked as well as assisting with garbage collection.

Athletes will not be permitted to place their own bottles on the official race tables.

Bib Pickup

Bib pickup will be held race morning from 5:45am to 6:30am - The table will be located at the start/finish area. Please be sure to bring your valid ID for bib pickup. Participants will also be required to sign a covid questionnaire. This is mandatory. Without an ID and signed covid questionnaire you won't be given a race bib.

Parking, Bathrooms, and Gear Check


The main parking lot will be in front of the Salt Museum, with overflow parking available by the skate park entrance.



Park restrooms will be open and available for runners use in the facility nearest to the overflow parking lot.

Gear Check

There will be no gear check. Anything tossed at the start line or on the course will be collected by volunteers and thrown away. Please leave all valuables in your car!

Deferrals, Transfers, and Refunds

There will be no deferrals as we have no idea if we plan to hold this event in 2022 😂

Transfers are not allowed.

Refunds: we will not be processing payment information until 10 weeks prior to the event date (02/22/2021). If we need to cancel between that date and 2 weeks prior to the event, we will fully refund your registration fee minus the processing charge. If we need to cancel within 2 weeks of the event date, we will refund 75% of your registration fee minus the processing charge. We hope to avoid this situation at all costs.

Time Limit and Awards

Time Limit

The official time limit for the race is 5:00 (11:26/mi). We will not sweep any runners from the course, but please be aware if you are finishing in over 5 hours, you may not receive an official finish time or aid on course after the 5 hour mark. The timing company and the aid stations will begin breakdown at 12pm.


There will be finisher medals for all race finishers, as well as prizes for the top 3 male and female finishers (based on chip time). Finisher medals will be available at the finish; prizes will be mailed out after the race.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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