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Travel & Virtual Run Around the World 2020

Sat August 22, 2020 New York City, NY 10001 US Directions


New York City, NY US 10001


While the world is closed for traveling, you can still experience new places you've never been to before.

With this virtual run, we'll send you a virtual packet with videos, highlights, interesting foods/fun info, and a commemorative postcard with your own photo in it so you can immerse yourself in the experience of a virtual run & travel. Country/Place may vary but with Medal/Full packets we'll include a custom backdrop photo of the place you're virtually running in!

Run a 5K, 10K, Half-Marathon, or Marathon and experience a new place virtually.
The Virtual only packet will feature a complete virtual experience sent to your inbox. You'll also be able to:
- Submit times
- Get a certificate of completion
- Get a custom backdrop photo
- Get a digital running journal
- Join our runner pen pal program

The Fun Item packet will feature the virtual packet + one specialty item from that destination shipped to your home!
The Medal Only packet will feature the virtual packet + one specialty item from that destination shipped to your home!  
The Full packet will feature the virtual packet + one specialty item from that country OR medal + a Running Shirt shipped to your home!
It also includes a custom backdrop photo from the City you're virtually running in!
Experience a new destination each month with our monthly virtual run and travel option here:  

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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