Come help us kick off the thirteenth annual Maddie's Mark 5k. It will once again be held in Central Park Schenectady on Sunday, October 05, 2025. Join us for a fun day of activities, races and fun! This year's events will include our 5k run, 5k walk and family walk timed by Albany Running Exchange as well as a children's race. This is a b-tag timed race.
Race Day Timeline
Race Date: Sunday, October 05, 2025
8:30 am - Packet pickup and day of registrations open
8:45 am - Warm up for Children's Run
9:00 am - Children's Race
9:30 am - Warm up for 5k race and Day of Registration closes
9:45 am - Packet pick up for pre-registered participants closes and National Anthem/announcements (please note that the packet pick up will close promptly at 9:45 am and all participants must clear the pavilion).
10:00 am - 5k Run and Family 5k Walk .
10:45 am - Awards
Activities and Perks
- Medals to all participants!
- Maddie's Mark Shirts to the first 200 registered in the individual race event (Family Walk and Children's Run will receive medals only).
- Top 3 male and female
- Top 3 male and female in 10-year age group awards.
- 5k Race
- 5k Walk
- Children's Race
- Family Walk
- Playground
- Face painting
- Zumba warmup
- Children's Activities
- Raffles
About Maddie's Mark
Madeline Musto, age five, an independent, kind and mature kindergartener was diagnosed with an inoperable brain stem tumor - known in the medical world as DIPG. On February 8, 2012, five days after her diagnosis, Madeline entered heaven so peacefully surrounded by her family and sisters. The Maddie's Mark Foundation was developed to provide Best Day Evers to seriously and terminally ill children in the local area. All profit from this race goes directly to the Maddie's Mark Foundation.
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
Schenectady, NY US 12309
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Top male and female - will receive a prize
Top 3 male and female in 10-year age group will receive a special prize.
Race Mail in Form
Our race day flyer to print off to share coming soon!
Medals for All Participants
Every participant who crosses the finish line receives a custom commemorative Maddie's Mark medal. In addition, everyone who participates in the individual race event on October 15th (family walk and children's race excluded) will also receive a Maddie's Mark 5k shirt. Shirts are limited to the first 200 registrants and sizes can only be guaranteed for registrations by September 30, 2023.
Sponsor the Race
Our sponsors help us offset the costs associated with the race. By sponsoring the Maddie's Mark 5k, you help us create a Best Run Ever. Sponsors are featured on this registration site, fliers (if submitted prior to September 30th), Facebook and email blast mentions, race day fliers and more. Over 300 people attend the event as well as hundreds that are reached through our social media. The Maddie's Mark Foundation is a non-for-profit, all volunteer run foundation.
Shirts for all Individual 5k Participants
All individuals participating in the individual 5k run/walk will receive a shirt. Shirts and sizes are only guaranteed to everyone who registered prior to September 30, 2023. We will do our best to order extra shirts but we cannot always predict the turnout or registrations after the order date (thank you for your understanding). :)
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.