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#StrongLikeJ 5k

Sat September 26 - Sun September 27 Canton, OH 44718 US Directions


Virtual Race - Anywhere!
Canton, OH US 44718


Help to honor the memory of Jordyn Myers and raise money for doctors and researchers looking for alternative treatments for Leukemia, scholarships for kids like Jordyn, and families who find themselves devastated from a loss like the Myers family.  Let's unite for a good cause and join us in a weekend virtual run! 

This Virtual 5K will be the first in a series of 3 Races. Participate in all 3 to receive the Race Trio Medal.

Since the event is Virtual, you can run/walk from anywhere you want, we just ask that you complete your 5K the weekend of September 26 - 27, 2020 between 12 on Saturday and 5 on Sunday. You will be able to post your times on the runsignup page and we hope you share your race photos with us here, on social using the hashtag #stronglikeJ5K, or via email ( We will ask to share any photos provided to us on our Facebook page, on our website, and in future 33 JordynStrong Foundation marketing pieces. Thank you in advance.

Questions about the race can be asked via Messenger or email -

All money raised will go toward strengthening our scholarship program for 2021, providing grants to families who lose a child to cancer, and to support research efforts in finding alternative treatment methods for leukemia/cancer. So far in 2020 we were able to provide 3 scholarships for $5,000 each to local students attending an institution of higher education for the 2020/2021 school year.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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