Special Kids pricing
Kids 13 and under receive special pricing. $20 through May 31st, $25 June 1 through June 30th and $30 after June 30th
Discount will be taken at checkout.
Cincinnati, OH US 45251
14th Annual Pray~Hope~Believe 5K Run/Walk and Virtual Event
Friday, July 4, 2025
We will host our annual 5K Run and Walk on Friday, July 4th.
For those who cannot join us in person, you can once again join us virtually and support our efforts.
Either way, we hope you will join us and have some fun as we continue our mission.
General Information
5K Run and Walk in memory of Tony Merk.
Proceeds benefit The Pray~Hope~Believe Foundation
About the Foundation:
"The Pray~Hope~Believe Foundation (PHBF) is a nonprofit organization established to honor the memory of Tony Merk – a 6-year-old boy who died on July 4, 2011 after an almost three-year battle with brain cancer. The PHBF provides funding for pediatric brain tumor research, supports children/teens who have a life-threatening condition and their families, and honors the memory of Tony Merk through scholarships or other community events. Pray~Hope~Believe became the theme for Tony's journey on earth and is now his family's theme for healing and living. To date, PHBF has funded $879,000 in pediatric brain cancer research because of our supporters!"
Colerain Township Municipal Complex
4200 Springdale Road, 45251
Participants will assemble on Dale Woods Way for a downhill start. Course will be clearly marked and will wind through scenic residential neighborhoods finishing back at the Municipal Complex. Route is mostly flat with some gently rolling areas. Scheduled water stops at 1 and 2 miles. Timers at 1, 2 and 3 miles and finish. Professional Race Timing. Traffic will be controlled by Township Police.
Race Divisions:
Run Divisions: Run/Walk: 13 and under, 14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 and over
Walk Divisions: Walkers only: 19 and under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 and over
Clydesdale and Athena Divisions: (Optional): Men 200 lbs and over and Women 160 and over. Clydesdales are not eligible for age group awards. You must check this off on your registration. Insider Tip: As long as you qualify, you may have a better chance of winning as a clydesdale. Beware: We may have the scales on hand to verify!
Top Males and Female Runners and Walkers, Top three in each male and female Age group and top three in each Clydesdale division.
Awards Ceremony will take place after the Superhero Sprint (Kids Fun Run) on Race Day.
Results will be posted online (here) after the race
Participants are encouraged to form teams. Team prizes will be awarded. Teams will have the opportunity to participate in fund raising, although this is not required.
Prizes for Team Captains!
10 team members registered by 11:59pm on 6/30/2024 = $5 PHBF Merch credit
20 team members registered by 11:59pm on 6/30/2024 = $10 PHBF Merch credit
For every 25 team members registered by 11:59pm on 6/30/2025 = 1 free PHB5K registration (will reimburse your registration or provide code you can share with someone else)
Race-Day Timeline:
7am – Packet pick-up begins
8:15 – Flag raising ceremony
8:30 – 5K Run begins – followed by 5K walk a few minutes later
Post-Race Activities:
Basket Raffle, Split-the-Pot, Children’s Games, Art Show, Awards, Memorial Bubble Ceremony
We will have a number of photographers on hand throughout the day. Please arrange with your team to meet at the photo booth for your team picture. We LOVE seeing the energy of the day captured in photos!
Registration Fee for adults 14 and over:
$25 through 5/31/2025
$30 from 6/1/23 - 6/30/25
$35 after June 30, 2025
Registration fee for Kids 13 and under:
$20 through 5/31/25
$25 from 6/1 through 6/30/25
$30 after June 30, 2025
Virtual Participant:
Cannot make it to our "Live" event? You can still participate by signing up as a "Virtual" participant. Keep reading to see how the Virtual Event works.
Pre-registered entrants will receive a t-shirt, race bag, chip timing and refreshments. T-shirts are included while supplies last.
T-shirts and Tech Shirts:
T-shirts are included with pre-registration while supplies last.
Upgrade to a Tech Shirt: Upgrade to a quality Tech Shirt for $10 extra. Limited quantity available. Adult sizes only. If you register by 6/20/25, your Tech T-Shirt is Guaranteed. Otherwise they will be available while supplies last. Tech shirts come in both Unisex and Women's Fitted sizes.
Super Hero Capes:
Super Hero Capes can be purchased on race day at the venue.
Register online through race day.
Register by mail by postmarking your entry by Friday, June, 27, 2025
Pre-Race Check-in and Packet Pick up
Packet pick-up and pre-race check-in will be at the Colerain Twp Senior & Community Center, 4300 Springdale Rd, 45251. Thursday, July 3rd, 2025 from 3pm - 6pm.
Note: Online Registration Only: Register on Race Day online from your phone or your computer or tablet
Race-Day Check-in:
Race Day check in from 7 am - 8:15 am at the venue.
Note: Online Registration Only: Register on Race Day online from your phone or your computer or tablet
If you really must wait until Race Day, we will welcome you. It will cost you a little more but what the heck, you don't have to obligate yourself. T-shirt sizes will be limited.
All pre-registered entries with a valid, readable email address will receive a confirmation of your registration.
We are beyond thankful to our donors and sponsors who make our mission possible. And, don’t forget, EVERY day is a good day to make a donation to bring HOPE to children with brain cancer! Visit www.prayhopebelieve.org to learn more about our mission or to make a donation. Every dollar can make a difference!
I-71 or I-75 to West on Ronald Reagan Highway (Cross County). Go North on Colerain Ave. Turn left on Springdale Road (just past Northgate Mall) . Go approx. 1/2 mile to the Colerain Twp. Municipal Complex on the Right. Ample free parking on site.
Alternative route: I-275 to South on Colerain Ave. to West (Right) on Springdale Road.
Google: 4200 Springdale Road, 45251 to get directions from your location.
Parking Details:
Parking is available on-site and on the grass lot adjoining the 5K venue, weather dependent. Overflow/Back-up parking is at Northgate Mall (corner of Springdale Rd and Colerain Ave). Park at northwest corner of mall lot. You will cross Springdale Rd. to walk sidewalk approximately ½ mile to race site. We will have signs posted.
We do have handicapped spots reserved in front of Senior Center (4300 Springdale Rd, 45251) for those who are unable to walk from Northgate Mall.
Chip Timed:
This year's race will be professionally "chip timed" by Running Time Race Services. We will be using disposable timing chips this year. No need to return them.
Contact Us:
Contact us with any questions you may have at 513-304-2388 or 513-652-6225. The energy and spirit of this event is AWESOME thanks to YOU! See you on the 4th! Pray~Hope~Believe!
Our event takes place rain or shine – though we are certainly HOPING for nice weather.
No Refunds!
Fundraising Teams:
Add to the fun by joining a Fundraising Team or fundraising on your own. Prizes for the top fundraising Team and Team with most spirit!
Basket Raffle:
If you have been to the PHB5K in the past, you know how amazing our basket raffle is every year. Some of the types of baskets we have include - spa, family game night, movie night, coffee, wine, bourbon, date night, lottery, etc. You can purchase tickets on-site or during registration. If you purchase tickets along with your registration, you will have 2 options: 1) Pick up your tickets at packet pick-up and place in desired baskets; or 2) If you cannot attend in-person, you will be able to email us in which baskets you want your tickets placed (after we publish exact details of the baskets).
Virtual Event
What is a virtual race?
A virtual race is an event where you sign up and participate on a course of your choosing (or a treadmill). Without physical races going on right now, this is a great opportunity to work towards your running goals, stay healthy and support a great cause, while following social distancing guidelines!
The event will feature a leaderboard so you can still see how you stack up against your fellow competitors!
Do I have to run at a certain time?
You can run anytime you wish preferably around the weekend of July 4th.
When do I need to submit results by?
You should submit results sometime between July 1 and July 5
When will I get my swag?
T-shirts can be picked up at the designated times or we can ship it to you for a small shipping charge.
How do I get my finisher certificate?
Great job on finishing the race! Once you've run and submitted your results, there will be a button on your results page that says "Certificate".
Submit Virtual Results
Submitting your Virtual Results is easy.
Results must be submitted between July 1 and July 5.
Go to the Race Results page, then click the Submit Virtual Results button.
Don't forget to print out your finisher's certificate (from the Results Page) after you submit your time!
Course Map
View a Dynamic Course Map at Plotaroute.com or print the attached PDF version
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.

Become a PHB 5K Sponsor
PHBF is truly making a difference in the lives of young people battling brain cancer because of supporters like YOU! Please consider
continuing or beginning a partnership with us for the 13th annual PHB 5K on July 4, 2024. Our greatest need is in the area of sponsorships, but we also welcome donations for our basket raffle, door prizes, and race bags
Become a Sponsor/Donor and join our growing family of Sponsor/Donors.
For complete information about the program, print the attached PDF document
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.

Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
This year's event will be timed by Running Time Race Services using MyLaps Disposable bib tags. The chip will be on the bib number. No need to turn in pull tags or return the timing chip.
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