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Guns-A-Blaizing Pump and Run

Sun October 18 - Sun March 21 Columbus, OH 43221 US Directions


2495 Sherwin Rd
Columbus, OH US 43221


A Virtual Pump and Run!  Participants will bench their weight as many times as possible and then run a 5k. Time will be deducted from the 5k result based on the number of reps performed on the bench. Lowest cumulative time wins!

Weigh-in, bench, and 5k must be completed on the same day.  Results will be accepted anytime from now until 11:59 PM March 21th, 2021.  We operate on the honor system (for the most part).  Weight must be performed on a scale that you believe to be accurate.  The amount of weight you will be assigned to bench will be determined in the following manner:

1) Weigh yourself.  Record the weight in pounds to the tenth of a pound.

2) Multiply your weight by:

  • 1.0 if you are under 40 and male
  • 0.9 if you are age 40-49 and male
  • 0.8 if you are over age 50 and male
  • 0.7 if you are under 40 and female
  • 0.6 if you are age 40-49 and female
  • 0.5 if you are over age 50 and female
  • individuals are free to choose male or female designation based on their personal preference

3) Round this value UP to the next 5 pound increment - THIS is your assigned weight for the bench press.  For example:

  • A 30 year old male weighs in at 176.1 lb.  176.1 x1 =176.1.  176.1 rounds UP to 180.  His assigned bench press weight is 180 lb.
  • A 35 year old female weighs in at 133.4 lb.  133.4 x .7 = 93.38.  93.38 rounds UP to 95.  Her assigned bench press weight is 95 lb.
  • A 50 year old male weighs in at 165.1 lb.  165.1 x .8 = 132.08.  132.08 rounds UP to 135.  His assigned bench press weight is 135 lb.
  • A 60 year old female weighs in at 120.0 lb. 120.0 x 0.5 = 60.0.  60.0 rounds to 60.  Her assigned bench press weight is 60 lb. 

All bench press reps must be recorded and downloaded to race website for confirmation of bench press reps completion.   The participant must have a spotter during the bench.  Spotter is allowed to lift the bar off of the rack.  2 feet must be on the ground at all times.  Full extension of arms must be performed in order for rep to count.  As soon as someone else touches the bar the bench is over.  Participant will submit the number of reps he or she achieved.  The race director or designee will make a final determination on number of reps awarded based on video submitted.  All decisions are final.  No appeals.

5k must be completed on a measured track (12.5 laps on a 400 meter track) or a loop course verified by GPS watch as 3.1 miles.

The number of reps completed will determine the amount of time deducted from the 5k result in the following manner:

  • Reps 1-5 are worth 60 second deduction each
  • Reps 6-10 are worth 45 second deduction each
  • Reps 11-15 are worth 30 second deduction each
  • Reps 16-20 are worth 20 second deduction each
  • Reps 21-25 are worth 15 second deduction each
  • Reps 26-30 are worth 10 second deduction each
  • Reps 31-35 are worth 5 second deduction each
  • Reps 36-40 are worth 2 second deduction each
  • All reps over 40 are worth 1 second deduction each







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