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Sat October 17 - Sun November 8 Columbus, OH 43235 US


The #RunningIsNotCancelled community is stronger than ever before. While all the major races have been cancelled, RUNNING is STILL not cancelled! Whether you've just started getting out the door for the first time during the COVID-19 crisis, or if you've been logging miles as long as you can remember, we all need a little extra motivation to keep moving forward. Let's continue to have each others back, hold each other accountable, keep each other motivated and get to the (virtual) finish line together! 

Note, this is a virtual race, you'll receive all your swag prior to the event date listed above. Feel free to race on any day that fits your schedule!! Another perk of virtual racing!

Register by October 4th and you swag will ship by October 12th!

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Additional Fees

Shipping: $8.50

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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