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In This Together - May Challenge!

Fri May 1 - Sun May 31



How many miles can you go in the month of May?

Ready for another challenge?  Great!  Pick one or more events and the challenge is on.  In the month of May, you will keep track of your activity miles and the time you have spent doing it.  Earn an engraved personalized finisher medal with your accomplishment according to the following distance challenges:

  • 12 MILE CLUB -  One 5k a week gets it done!
  • 25 MILE CLUB  -  Two 5k's or a 10k a week. 
  • 50 MILE CLUB  -  Three days a week and you can do it!
  • 100 MILE CLUB - You know how to do this - now can you do it?
  • 200 MILE CLUB - Two or three rides a week for the cyclists.
  • 300 MILE CLUB - Those crazy ultra runners or regular cyclists - this is your club.
  • 400 MILE CLUB - Needs no explanation. 
  • CRAZY MILES CLUB - for those of you that can do better than 500 miles!

We have created this challenge as both a fundraiser for some of our staff's favorite small business merchants & a method for us all to stay engaged, accomplish fitness goals, & encourage others to do the same.  Get the family involved, issue a challenge to a friend, and let's move forward together!

Registration includes:

  • -FINISHER MEDAL - engraved with your name, activity (run, walk, cycle, hike), and the level you achieved!


  • Amaize Popcorn - Hudson, OH
  • Headtrip Brewery - Stow, OH
  • Honey Hut Ice Cream - Brecksville, OH
  • Hudson Yoga Lounge - Hudson, OH
  • Missing Mountain Brewery - Cuyahoga Falls, OH
  • Vertical Runner - Brecksville & Hudson, OH
  • Western Reserve Racing
  • Western Reserve School of Cooking - Hudson, OH 

*Finisher medals will shipped 3-4 weeks after event.

Challenge Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Challenge, click the button below.


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