The walk has been canceled.
Lucss County Rec. Center
Maumee, OH US 43537
The walk is was established in honor of Shalonda and Steven Horton who lost their battle with addiction, and to honor and remember all of our loved ones that we have lost to addiction. We want this to not only be a family event, but a community event! We invite all families, friends, co-workers etc.... and the community to participate. We need to break the stigma of addiction through education and awareness. We can't think of a better way to honor our loved ones legacy!
If you would like your loved ones picture on a memorial maker to be placed around the walk, please email the photo you want to use to
Even though this is a memorial walk, we want to include everyone that's been affected by addiction. So if you have a loved one in recovery, we want to celebrate them too!! If you have a loved one who is actively using, we welcome you to come as well and be informed and supported. We will have a vendor area set up with people from the healthcare field, mental health, and the addiction and recovery community.
We will have a few speakers, a short ceremony and a memorial event before the walk begins. McKenzie Kuehnlien from 13 abc will be our emcee.
When registering, If you are going to be part of a team please indicate after your last name the team your with so we can keep shirts together for the group. Please register early so we can get shirt orders done, so if teams want to put team names or loved ones pictures on the shirts it will give you plenty of time to do so.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.