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Brokeman's Welcome Back 5k/10k/13.1

Sun May 30, 2021 Mount Vernon, OH 43050 US Directions



9:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT


8:30AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT

Half Marathon

8:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT


10 Pittsburgh Ave
Mount Vernon, OH US 43050


IT'S OFFICIAL! We've been approved for an IN PERSON race and I could not be more excited. Join us on May 30th in Mt. Vernon at Ariel Foundation Park for your choice of a 5k,10k or 13.1 race.

ALL runners will receive a unique bib, a handcrafted finishers medal and race day tee, a professionally chip timed race, as well as one hell of a good time!

COVID PRECAUTIONS: We are making a few minor changes to some of our guidelines this year to comply with all COVID protocols. 

MASK WEARING - We will require all runners to wear masks at all times in the common areas of the race. These include check-in areas, start/finish lines, water stops/aid stations, port-a-potty and bathrooms. 

SOCIAL DISTANCING - We ask that when you are not wearing a mask, or are gathered in common areas, that you socially distance with those not in your immediate household. 

TEMPERATURE CHECKS - We will have a volunteer doing temperature checks as you arrive on site, while you are still in your vehicle. Any participant with a temperature over 100.4 degrees will be required to leave and you'll be switched over to a virtual participant. 

NO SPECTATORS ALLOWED - I know this is a bummer, but we are allowing participants ONLY this year. Upon arrival, when you get your temperature checked, you will be required to show us proof of your race registration. Anyone with you who is not registered to run will be asked to leave the race.

AID STATIONS - Our mission has always been to remain as waste free as possible. But in sensitivity of a global pandemic, we are making a few changes to our aid stations. First and foremost, we do ask that this year you consider bringing your own hydration and fuel. Secondly, we will remain cup free and have water and a sports drink in our typical 5 gallon coolers and the turn around point. We will keep hand sanitizer next to the coolers and ask that you sanitize BEFORE filing your bottles. This year all of our snacks at our aid stations will be individually packaged.

ALL DETAILS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. We aim to keep everything as we plan it, but as we've all learned this past year, anything can happen. We reserve the right to make any necessary changes to courses, start times, or anything we feel necessary to comply with state orders, including changing this event to a virtual if we are required too. *There will be NO refunds should any changes happen*

Yes. We have a virtual option. Because #2021

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