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Trails to End Trafficking

Sat October 3 - Sat October 10 Plain City, OH 43064 US Directions

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Plain City, OH US 43064


The 2nd Annual Trails to End Trafficking will be Virtual this year.  Your support and participation supports She Dreams Again a 501c3 founded in January 2019 with a mission to provide long-term transitional housing and programs for trafficked women in Madison and Union County of Ohio to restore their hearts and reclaim their lives by teaching them life skills and equip them with resources needed to be independent.  Funds raised from this event will go towards the operations of our transitional home.


Registrants will run (or walk) their race distance at any location they choose (treadmill, neighborhood, local park) between October 3rd to October10th. If you are participating in the 5K and would like to be listed in the results make sure you are tracking your time and distance. You can do so with a watch or running app (example: Garmin watch, Strava App). Make sure you run the whole distance (3.1 Miles for a 5K) - you don't want to do all that work and come up short. You will then be able to report your time. Results will be automatically updated as race times come in. Create a team and walk/run together (socially distanced) and help us raise awareness of human trafficking.  Share your photos of your walk/run on social media by using the following hashtag: #Trailstoendtrafficking and be entered to win a gift basket filled with amazing gift cards and prizes.

START TIME:  Anytime you want between October 3rd and October 10th.

WHERE: Anywhere

PACKET PICKUP:  We will be setting up a time to pickup your race t-shirt and information

SWAG:  All participants will receive a t-shirt.  Those registered by September 13, 2020 will be able to pickup their shirts the week of September 27th.  Those registered after September 13, 2020 will be able to pickup their shirts the week of October 25, 2020.  Numerous pickup stations and times will be set and noted once we get closer to that time.

AWARDS: We will raffle 2 gift baskets for those who share your photos of your walk/run on social media by using the following hashtag: #Trailstoendtrafficking 

RACE TIMING & RESULTS: Times can be submitted online here and are totally optional. 

TEAMS:  Create a team and raise funds for She Dreams Again.  Your team can walk/run together to create community.  A team of us will be walking at Prairie Oaks on October 3rd at 9:00 a.m. and all are welcome to join us.

SPONSORS: If interested in sponsoring this event, contact us at  Sponsorships must be received by August 31st to be included in marketing and advertisements. 

Information regarding She Dreams Again can be found at

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

Restoration Sponsor

Love Sponsor



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