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Spencerville Summerfest 5K Run

Sat June 22, 2024 Directions


5K Run

9:00AM EDT


Held in Spencer Township Park, just east of Spencerville High School (address 2500 Wisher Drive, Spencerville, OH 45887) , on Wisher Drive 1/2 mile south of St Rt 117 on the east edge of Spencerville, OH.


5K Run at 9 AM (and 1 mile fun run at 8:30 AM) on Saturday June 22, 2024 during the Spencerville Summerfest.  Stay and enjoy the Summerfest after the race: Car show, Amusements, Food, Parade, and Spectacular Fireworks Display at Dark on Saturday! 

Register online by 6/19 for $15 (+regis. fee) for the 5K only (no shirt) or $25 (+regis. fee) for the 5K with a shirt until 6/15, or send the paper registration form below by mail; or register on race day for $20 for the 5K only (no shirt). Register on race day from 7:30 to 8:45 AM (and pick up race packet) at the shelter house at Spencer Township Park - on Wisher Drive, east edge of town, south of St. Rt. #117, by Spencerville High School at 2500 Wisher Drive, Spencerville OH 45887.  There is a 1 Mile Fun Run at 8:30 with sign up at the park on race day for $1, includes a finisher ribbon. A limited quantity of race t-shirts will be available for sale on race day for $12 each.

Flat, accurate out and back course on country roads.  Starts and ends at Spencer Township Park.  Mile splits, two water stops, water at the finish.  Restrooms at the park and baseball field.  Awards to the top overall male and female finishers and the top three in each male and female age group (no duplication of awards).  Door prize drawing for all 5K Run entrants held before awards (approx. 10:15).  Must be present to win.  Many door prizes including $50 gift cert.  Age groups Male and Female: 0-14, 15-18, 19-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54 ,55-59, 60-69, 70+up.  Walkers are welcome.  Sponsors:  MPH Insurance and Spencerville area merchants..  Assistance by the Spencerville Police Dept, and Spencerville EMS..  Proceeds go to the Spencerville Cross Country Teams.  Online entry at  Race flyer entry form also at,.  Results will be posted on the websites.

Race Director: Brian McMichael, 221 Michael St, Spencerville, OH 45887  419-647-6433, cell 419-204-3148, email:

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


Held in Spencer Township Park, just east of Spencerville High School (address 2500 Wisher Drive, Spencerville, OH 45887) , on Wisher Drive 1/2 mile south of St Rt 117 on the east edge of Spencerville, OH.

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