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Team Toledo Annual Meeting

Wed April 14, 2021 Sylvania, OH 43560 US Directions


Team Toledo Annual Meeting

7:00PM EDT - 9:00PM EDT


Sylvania, OH US 43560


Team Toledo Annual Meeting!

Please join us for our year in review from 2020!  2020 didn't go as planned but we did get in some activities and make some important decisions. 

Our annual meeting will on Zoom again.  You MUST register on Run Sign Up!  We will be emailing out the Zoom meeting number and password the day of the event.  We do not want a repeat from last please sign up! Meeting info will not be posted in any social media.

Some items on the agenda are :

2020/2021 Budget

Open Water Swims

Monday Night Online Group Rides

Bike Time Trials 

2020/2021 Board Members

Plus much more!

Please come with your questions and we are looking forward to what's to come in 2021!






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