Ottawa Park Shelter
Toledo, OH US 43606
Are you looking for a run/walk where the slowest runner has an equal chance as the fastest runner to win prizes? If so, this one is for you. Runners and walkers predict how long it will take them to complete the 5K course. Registrants coming closest to their actual time take home turkeys! No watches/GPS allowed if you plan to compete! Winners must be present to win. If you leave before the awards are presented, we will move on to the next place!
You can pre enter here for the low cost of $6 per entry non members, $3 members or enter on race day for free with the donation of three canned goods for Toledo Roadrunner members or 5 canned goods for nonmembers. Join at the time of registration and receive the member "price". (Of course, nonperishable, unexpired cans only, please!)
NEW this year: The first 140 registrants will receive a winter beanie hat with registration!
All proceeds benefit a local Food Bank, so you can help your neighbors by getting in a workout and maybe winning a turkey!
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.