8333 Rockside Rd
Valley View, OH US 44125
Valley View, OH US 44125
Join us for our 6th Annual Jog for Dogs 5K Run & 1 Mile Walk - a lively and dog-friendly fundraiser event for Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter!
Right on the Towpath in Valley View, it is a seamless pathway with beautiful foliage in mid-September.
But wait, don't leave! We have the AFTER PARTY! We'll be giving out awards, we have a DJ, lots of awesome vendors, raffle baskets, and more!
Sunday, September 21, 2025
Packet Pickup: 7:00AM - 8:15AM
5k Start: 8:30 AM
1-Mile Start: 9:00 AM
8333 Rockside Rd
Valley View, OH 44125
$40 Standard Registration
$40 Virtual Registration - items mailed after the event.
$45 Race Weekend (9/21)
- Kids 10 and Under Free - Includes a goodie bag! (does not include a t-shirt or finisher medal)
A custom Jog for Dogs finisher medal
Chip-timed results in the 5k Race
2024 Jog for Dogs T-shirt (size guaranteed if registered by 9/9/24)
CCAS Logo'd bag
To avoid the race morning lines, pick up your packet early by visiting the Shelter (9500 Sweet Valley Dr. in Valley View)
Friday, September 20th, 4 pm-7 pm or Saturday. September 20th, 10am-12pm
Participants are welcome to pick up for friends and family!
Even if you can no longer make the event, you can still pick up your packet at the packet pickup!
Special awards will be provided to the following categories:
5k -Top Male/Female Finisher
Best dog costumes (1st, 2nd & 3rd place)
Can't make the event but want to support the race and run/walk your 1-mile or 5K run?
Register to participate virtually and we will mail your race shirt and finisher medal after the September race.
Participants can even submit a virtual time if they'd like - through their RunSignUp registration page.
Runners registered for the LIVE event can transfer to the VIRTUAL event and have their packets mailed, can do so by navigating the transfer process under their RunSignUp account.
Deadline Monday, September 9
Dogs must be kept on a leash at all times. Leashes should be no more than six feet in length while on the course. For safety reasons, “extend-a-leashes” will NOT be allowed.
Participating dogs must be currently licensed with proof of Parvo and rabies vaccinations. You do not need to bring proof with you; if an incident occurs, you must be able to produce proof in a reasonable amount of time.
To keep this event safe for all: Female dogs in heat are not permitted. CCAS reserves the right to refuse entry to any dog whose behavior could be dangerous to others. Please use good judgment regarding the temperament of your pet so that this event will be safe and enjoyable for everyone. CCAS suggests that dogs younger than six months should not participate.
If you bring a dog(s), please be sure to clean up after them.. This is very important for health and safety on the course as well as at the post-party itself. Waste disposal cans will be provided. Some poo bags will be available at the event, but please come prepared and bring some of your own.
Want to get your friends, family members, or co-workers involved and make your own "team?" This option is free and available during registration and allows participants to join teams/groups, as they register! Team captains create the "team name" and can invite other members to join in - all for fun!
For more information, contact Hermes Sports & Events at 216-623-9933 or
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Join this event and invite your friends on Facebook.