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Thu July 30 - Mon August 31 Tulsa, OK 74105 US


The Dog Days of Summer are here! Hot and sultry days of running, walking and exercising! You might need some motivation to get outside and this race provides that motivation with a custom medal, amazing tri-blend t-shirt and bib. You can register your dog for the 1 mile fun run and get a custom bandana for your pooch!

You can run or walk a 5k, 10k, 13.1 or 26.2 outside or on the treadmill. We have a 1 mile fun run with your doggie too! Register now thru August 31st for any distance. You can choose to pickup your packet at RunnersWorld Tulsa 3920 S Peoria, Tulsa, OK or choose to have your race goodies shipped.  Packets will be ready starting September 7th!

We are teaming up with Rescued' n Ready Animal Foundation as our beneficiary of race proceeds.
        Rescued 'n Ready Animal Foundation (RnRAF) is a nonprofit organization formed by experienced rescue volunteers to help address the pet overpopulation problem in Oklahoma. Based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, RnRAF rescues pets from Tulsa-area kill shelters and will sometimes take in a pet needing to be re-homed by owners.

Swag that will make your tail wag:

  • Virtual Race – Run anytime and anywhere
  • Dog Days of Summer Medal
  • Dog Days of Summer Race Bib
  • Dog Days of Summer Race Shirt - Soft tri-blend District short sleeve t-shirt
  • Upload your results to your race distance and print a finisher certificate
  • Doggie 1 Mile Swag includes a Finisher Dog Bandana

You can add a T-shirt if you are doing the Doggie 1 Mile.
We also have a Dog Days of Summer Face Mask to add on to your registration.

If you need your packet mailed, please select to have it shipped during registration.


All registered participants for the  5k, 10k, 13.1 and 26.2 will receive a custom race bib and:

Race Shirt

4" Race Medal:

Doggie 1 Mile registrations will receive a custom race bib and a race bandana for your doggie!



Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Tulsa, OK US 74105

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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