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Sean's Run for ARROAutism

Sat August 15, 2020 Cascade Locks, OR 97014 US Directions


Sean's Run for ARROAutism 2020 - 10K

8:00AM PDT - 11:00AM PDT

Sean's Run for ARROAutism 2020 - 5K

8:00AM PDT - 11:00AM PDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Bridge of the Gods Trailhead
45°39'42.1"N 121°53'53.6"W
Cascade Locks, OR US 97014


Sean’s Run for ARROAutism is an annual fundraising 5K run/walk and 10K run to benefit Autism Research and Resources of Oregon (ARROAutism) and various projects, like the Family Holiday Assistance project, which helps to ensure that individuals and families struggling financially have a meal and a gift or two during the holidays. 

We also often hold a special Kids Fun Run, and organize events and exhibitions to entertain and inform spectators during and after the run. A limited amount of food and water is provided, generally through donations from a variety of sources, and available for free, with donations greatly appreciated.

The first Sean’s Run was held in 2007, and the run occurs again, rain or shine, with entry fees and sponsorship benefiting Autism Research and Research of Oregon.

Eagle Creek Fire

This year's Sean's Run will be held in the Historic Columbia Gorge, with the starting location at the Bridge of The Gods Trailhead in Cascade Locks, Oregon. In 2018 we obtained a special permit from the State Parks Department to temporarily open and use the trail for our event, which was otherwise closed to the public due ongoing repairs from the Eagle Creek Fire. We do not anticipate similar restrictions for 2020, but the fire damage was extensive, and work continues to restore the area after the fire. We will post updates on social media, and send periodic email updates to keep you informed as the event draws closer.


Start Time and Course Map

Registration opens at 8:00 am. Safety briefing at 08:50 AM. Race starts at 9:00 am.

We will provide an updated course map and provide trail information just as soon as possible to allow you to plan your times and footwear accordingly. Also, since we are holding the event in the Gorge, we are also moving the registration time to 08:00 AM and starting the run at 09:00 AM. This will ensure that people have sufficient time to find the trailhead.

The course itself is a completely paved, pedestrian only stretch of the Historic Columbia River Highway. It's wide enough to accommodate a wide number of runners and walkers simultaneously. There are a few bumps, holes and cracks in the road surface, some are marked, others you'll have to watch for. However, the biggest challenge is always the hills. They're not particularly steep, just long, gradual inclines, so you'll be feeling it - in both directions (since this is an out and back run). 10K runners are completing the course in between 40 minutes and 1 hour 20 minutes, and 5K people between 20 minutes and 1 hour and 20 minutes. 

As a rule, we mark the course every kilometer. Based on feedback, we will be trying to provide some kind of marking at the U.S. Standard mile markers, as well. 

Aid and water stations will be set up at multiple locations.


There is no dedicated parking. That said, parking is available a short walk away from the registration and start/finish lines, mostly along SW Wanapa St, Cascade Locks, OR 97014. 

Your participation in Sean's Run is a great way to learn more about Autism, and the money you help us raise is used for various ARROAutism projects, including the ARROAutism Family Holiday Assistance Project, which helps hundreds of Autism families in need every Christmas holiday season. Other ways of supporting ARROAutism include making direct donations, and purchasing Sean's Run Apparel, participating in day of events, and joining in other ARROAutism functions, like the Evening for Autism and Rock for Autism

For more information about the annual Sean’s Run For ARROAutism, Autism in general, or more of the work we do at ARROAutism, please check out our Facebook Page at, visit our website at or call 971-258-2360.

Post Run Activities

We plan to have a face painter at the event each year (want your bib numbers on your arm, perhaps?) and there is some food and water. However, we encourage people to participate in the Pacific Crest Trails days down in the park (by the locks) after the event. There's also plenty of food, ice cream, and other choices to pick from in Cascade Locks. Come, run or walk (walk for 5K only), then relax and enjoy some of the best the Columbia River Gorge has to offer.

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