Florence, OR US 97439
Welcome to the Siuslaw Dunes! These beautiful and challenging point to point runs offer fun early season 50K, 20 mile and 12K races that traverse a wild tapestry of coastal terrain, including ancient open sand dunes with “tree islands”, old growth rainforest, stream fords and remote ocean beaches. The races are staged at historic Honeyman State Park, just south of old town Florence, Oregon, offering camping, lakeside charm and our gateway to the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area. There is no other running event like this anywhere— we are overjoyed to offer this truly special, one-of-a-kind race opportunity!
Oregon’s central coast harbors a unique mosaic landscape of ancient forests, ocean shore and sand dune ecosystems known as the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area. Within the mighty Siuslaw National Forest (pronounced sigh-YEW-slaw), the ever-changing Oregon Dunes are the largest expanse of coastal sand dunes in North America, offering dynamic scenery and solitude.
Siuslaw Dunes is the first of three races in the Oregon Coast Trail Series! To participate in the OCT Series, head over to the info page HERE.
Land Acknowledgement: We honor and recognize that we gather for this event on the traditional lands of the Siuslaw and Quuiich (Lower Umpqua) peoples, who have occupied and stewarded these lands for countless generations. We respect their right to self-determination and their sacred connection to these lands and waters.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.