Beaver Falls, PA US 15010
Come run with us on Sunday Oct 14th 2018 at 8:00am and we will cure your 5k blues and help move up the runners food chain. This is a 10k trail run through Beaver Countys "Bradys Run Park". Let us tease you with our winding trails, stream crossing (your shoes WILL get wet) and post race food. This trail race is a fundraiser for our local Boy Scout Troop 423. The Troop will have three water and first aid stations.
So... come do some rock hopping and hill climbing through Beaver Countys best kept secret. Oh, we almost forgot "The Quad Burner". A 380ft climb in half a mile. See you there!!! Sunday Oct 14th 2018, 8:00am at shelter 14, follow the signs! Please join us at Facebook, trail to eagle trail run
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