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Four Miles for Four Diamonds

Sat March 21, 2020 Indiana, PA 15701 US Directions


Four Miles for Four Diamonds

9:00AM EDT - 10:30AM EDT

2 Mile Walk

9:00AM EDT - 10:30AM EDT


207 Old Hwy 119 South
Indiana, PA US 15701


As a part of IHS Mini-THON, Leadership Seminar students are hosting a race, "Four Miles for Four Diamonds" to benefit the Four Diamonds Fund.  All proceeds go towards this organization, which helps kids and families affected by pediatric cancer.  The money allows emotional and financial support to families of Four Diamonds children, ensuring that they can receive the highest quality of cancer care without ever seeing a bill for that care.  The organization also helps to spread awareness and to fund critical research - all in pursuit of a cure.  The race will take place on March 21st, 2020 where participants may either run four miles or participate in a two mile walk.  This is an out and back course taking place on the Hoodlebug Trail with railroad grade incline and declines.  Day-of-registration will take place at the Divine Destiny parking lot between 8:00-8:30 am, with the race starting at 9:00 am.

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