Mighty Moraine Spring Olympic Distance Triathlon
Mighty Moraine Spring Olympic Aqua Bike
Mighty Moraine Spring Olympic Distance Relay
Mighty Moraine Spring Sprint Triathlon
Mighty Moraine Spring Sprint Duathlon
Mighty Moraine Spring Sprint Aqua Bike
Mighty Moraine Spring Sprint Adventure Race (Paddle, Bike, Run)
Mighty Moraine Spring Sprint Triathlon Relay
Mighty Moraine Spring Super Sprint Triathlon
Mini Moraine Youth Spring Triathlon
Novice Sprint Distance Triathlon
Mighty Double (Race Saturday and Sunday)
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
Lakeview Beach Road
Portersville, PA US 16051
The Mighty Moraine Spring Multi-Sport Races
May 17 and 18, 2025
May 17, Olympic Races
- Olympic Distance Triathlon Race
- Olympic Distance Relay
- Olympic Aqua Bike
May 18, Sprint and Super Sprint Races
- Sprint Triathlon
- Sprint Duathlon
- Sprint Aqua Bike
- Sprint Adventure Race
- Sprint Relay
- Super Sprint Triathlon
May 17 Youth Races
- Youth Races, May 17. (Race Day packet pick-up for youth races for no extra fee).
- Adult races for the Mighty Moraine Spring Multi-Sport Festival at Moraine State Park will be May 17-18, 2025 at Lakeview Beach on the North Shore.
The races will start at 6:50 AM.
Registration and packet pick-up will take place on
- Monday, May 12 at open water swim at Porters Cove, Moraine State Park
- Tuesday, May 13 evening at Pro Bike and Run, North Park Location 6:00-7:30 PM,
- Wednesday, May 14, no packet pick-up
- Thursday, May 15 at Moraine State Park 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
- Friday, May 16 at Moraine State Park North Shore, Lakeview Beach from 2:00 to 6:00 PM
- Saturday Adult Olympic Races and Youth Races
- Sunday Sprint and Super Sprint Rcaes
- Youth will pick up their packets on race day on Saturday evening at the South Shore Moraine State Park from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
- Adults' pick-up on Saturday for the Sunday races from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM at Lakeview Beach, North Shore Moraine State Park.
- There will be no race day packet pick-up unless you sign up for it and pay the $20 race fee + processing fees. Full race schedule can be found at in May.
Thank you for racing!
Joella Baker
Race Director
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.