135 Harrisville Main Street, Harrisville, RI 02830
The Burrillville Bronco 5K is a fundraising event for the Burrillville Prevention Action Coalition (BPAC). BPAC is a volunteer working task force comprised of individuals who are interested in substance use prevention in the town of Burrillville. Funds raised from this event will directly support youth prevention initiatives throughout the community, such as prevention education, the youth coalition, the BPAC Scholarship, and substance-free events throughout Burrillville.
5k 18 years and under $15.00 5k 19 years and above $35.00
Awards will be given to the fastest male and fastest female runners this year.
We have also added a Kids Fun Run! We will have two runs, one for children 6 and under (8:30am) and one for children 7-10 (8:45am). $5 per child.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
COVID-19 Precautions & Guidelines
All applicable precautions will be taken pursuant to guidance from the RI Dept. of Health.
Sponsors and Supporting Organizations
Thank you to our generous sponsors and supporting organizations!!!
A.T. Levy Elementary School
135 Harrisville Main Street, Harrisville, RI 02830
MapMyRun Map
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.