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Going the Distance Virtual 5k

Sat August 1 - Mon August 31 Providence, RI 02903 US


For many students school is a second home. For some, school is the only place where they feel safe to be their true selves, be it in a classroom or in an after school program. As cases in COVID-19 began to appear in Rhode Island, these spaces needed to be closed to the public in an effort to keep everyone safe and healthy. Nevertheless, school did not stop. Teachers and community partners were asked to replicate those safe spaces virtually. According Governor Gina Riamondo and Commissioner Angelica Infante Green, RI not only rose to this challenge, but excelled. However, the transition to distance learning was not the only thing that made this time challenging. Across the nation, devastating reports began to flood news and social media outlets regarding the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and sadly many more. The stories are a horrifying reminder for all that our nation is not as safe or as welcoming as we would like to believe it is, especially for people of color.

As we gear up for a new school year, it is important for our community to go the distance, not just with online learning but with our commitment to prioritizing spaces that enable our youth to be their full selves in environments that support them academically as well as socio-emotionally. This is why we are Going The Distance this August--to help raise awareness and raise funds for local non-profits that are invested in creating safe and rich spaces for our youth EVERY DAY so that they can continue to learn, grow, and thrive in their communities, regardless of their race, sex, gender, religious affiliations, or physical abilities. 

Join us this August in making sure these organizations get the credit they deserve because with them we ensure a better future for our youth. Let’s go the distance!

Details of how to "Go The Distance":

The event is a virtual 5k that participants can walk, run, or march at any time during the month of August. Participants can run/walk/march the whole 5k (that's 3.11 miles in total) in one attempt or break up the number of miles to meet their needs/ fitness level (that's the beauty of a virtual 5k; you can customize your experience as needed!).

Participants will have three sign-up fee options:

 * $10 (no swag, money gets dispersed evenly among organizations)

 * $25 (includes a shirt; additional money will cover the cost of shirt-making and shipping the shirts, the remaining money will get dispersed evenly among organizations)

* $30 Family Pack (covers the cost of a group of 2-4 participants, no swag)


More about shirts:

All shirts will be unisex. Our sizes range from Small to XXL. Shirts will have the event logo on the front.


Help us spread the word!

Once you register for the 5k, we encourage all participants to share the race on social media with the hashtag #GoingtheDistance5k. We also encourage you to post pictures of you walking, running, marching the day you decide to complete your 3.11 miles and tag the organization(s) you are running/walking/marching for along with the hashtag! 


Have more questions?

Send an email to Alyssa Mason at

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Join this event and invite your friends on Facebook.

Race Participant Survey

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